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Topic subjectRE: OT Is this topic X rated?
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128197, RE: OT Is this topic X rated?
Posted by 81 Newbee, Sat Aug-24-02 09:45 AM
Sorry about that Old Dude.It just frustrated the hell out of me to see so many people using this great site and seeing so few signing up for the UD program.I suspected that many of them just never clicked on on Dubbers postings because they didn't know how important the subject was.I figured I might get them to at least check it out.If it gets just a few more to sign up I am not sorry that I posted it.As for your not opening my posts there isn't a lot you could learn from a novice like me,and I hope you will continue to help me when you can.I didn't intend to piss anyone off and I do hope it gets a few people to realize how important UD is.SINCERELY, :+

PS:I just passed 3000 and hope to add many more.