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Topic subjectRE: OT Is this topic X rated?
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128199, RE: OT Is this topic X rated?
Posted by Spezi, Sun Aug-25-02 05:16 AM
>I agree with Old Dude 100%. Bait and Switch. Fool me
>once...shame on you....fool me twice, shame on me! Besides,
>just because a PC911 Forum subscriber is not a member of the
>UD team doesn't necessarily mean they are not "crunching!"

And I repeat yet again when it's marked OT skip over it or stop complaining. UD is a part of this forum and it appears some had best get used to it.

I'm sensing a definite lack of tolerance for a bit of change here from some whom I would think are mature enough to know better. Things just don't remain the same as time goes by and much as I've wanted them to at times I too have had to learn to adapt.

This forum has a fair number of members now and no one can possibly expect everyone to share the same interests and life experiences which may motivate them. There are often topics posted that I find contentious but if I don't have an interest in them I ignore them and let those who do enjoy them have at it and do their thing.

I simply feel that where UD is concerned those who don't have an interest in it should extend those of us that do the same courtesy.
We try hard to police the threads ourselves yet once in a while something you don't like may slip by but that doesn't mean it's open season for attack.

There are plenty of non UD related posts that push the boundaries of patience for some of us as well so it is a two way street.

The operative word here is tolerance. It must be given in order to be received.

That's my thoughts on the issue plain and simple.
