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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: OT Is this topic X rated?
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128202, RE: OT Is this topic X rated?
Posted by Al, Sun Aug-25-02 07:16 AM
I disagree that titling it OT was sufficient, and I feel the basic title was dishonest. I also am tired of the ongoing membership drive using any and all methods.

It has already been discussed that UD posts are welcome as long as they are clearly marked as such. This thread was not.

Old Dude had and has a good point, and you're busy chastizing him, when you should be chastizing the member of your team who posted this. Maybe you believe in Machivellian methods. Don't bring them here.

Alex is the PC911 team leader as has been mentioned many times. Maybe it is time that the team looked to its team leader for example.