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Topic subjectRE: OT Is this topic X rated?
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128220, RE: OT Is this topic X rated?
Posted by sophie tucker, Sun Aug-25-02 04:10 AM
ok- so i opened this too!;) :7 }>

i went thru the same thinking, 81newbie- that if people just knew about UD and how easy it is, why wouldn't they join? it's a win/win situation. and i'm delighted that people have read your post and decided to take the plunge!

however, some people think there are too many UD posts. what constitutes too much is an entirely personal opinion. and, like OD, people find it easy enough to skip them when they are clearly marked UD. being somewhat new, i'm sure you were not aware of the situation and posted with the best of intentions, using humor and something that was guaranteed to be eye-catching!;-)

anyway- just wanted to let you know that i went thru the same processes.

don't lose your enthusiasm! i for one enjoy reading your posts! and i have noticed you helping others new to the cause, which puts you right up there in my opinion with everybody else on this forum that gives so freely of their knowledge!