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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Alexa is Spyware
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3038, RE: Alexa is Spyware
Posted by D. Manley, Thu Dec-20-01 06:42 AM
That's right, Tuff...

But the article is referencing the Alexa Software (including, the toolbar, etc.) and makes no mention of the Alexa-provided component installed with Internet Explorer which, is different. I actually don't know if the IE component has any of the "spyware" potential or, not...all I'm saying, is the IE Alexa component is different than those characterized as "spyware" in the article.

I think it's generally agreed that the Alexa software is or has "Spyware" potential...the only question is, does this extend to the lesser component used as an integral part of IE. Even the AdAware moderator on their forum is uncertain regarding this...his position is essentially, "remove the entry to be sure".