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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Antivir PEC ver 7 final released
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397429, RE: Antivir PEC ver 7 final released
Posted by Horatio, Fri Jan-27-06 01:54 AM
I hope they support version 6 with updates for a while yet

me too.

I have that running on a couple of machines that I built for people (as well as my own) and have never had any problems, although I have never installed a beta version.

I have one lady that has previously been a real pain in the neck. She will open anything that anyone sends her. Wouldn't know a .exe from a BMW.
I used to go over there and find 50 or 60 infected files on her computer, but installed Antivir about 7 or 8 months ago and taught her what to do if it finds an infection and it has stopped everything.

I have a few people I look after still using Avast who have not had any problems, but they are careful and have healthy surfing habits.