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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Antivir PEC ver 7 final released
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399309, RE: Antivir PEC ver 7 final released
Posted by aptdweller, Sat Feb-11-06 10:44 PM
>I think I may have to give up on this AV program. AntiVir 7
>is failing to update on both of my computers. It fails on
>scheduled updates and also on manual updates. It's only
>successful about 10% of the time. I checked out the AntiVir
>support forum and it appears I'm not the only one having
>problems updating.

Too bad about that program, perhaps they will come up with something better in the future...for now, if you are still looking for a good AV I suggest has a 30 day trial period and it runs fine, updating several times/day it seems...