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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Avast
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400164, RE: Avast
Posted by Grogan, Fri Feb-17-06 03:16 PM
Avast has hurt my reputation and I've lost good, regular customers over it (who now take their computer to the shop).

Why does the real time scanner not find stuff, or find stuff after its hooked and can't remove it? Why does the manual scanner not even find things that Antivir finds before you even finish the installation? It's arguable that some of this stuff is outside the scope of antivirus software, but that's an argument I can't afford to entertain. It really depends on what you run in to. I could probably get along without resident antivirus software if I was running Windows, so I could let Avast go round and round and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Especially if I get the odd email worm in the junk pile and it's detected. Most people here would probably be fine with Avast.