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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: McAfee Security Center??
Topic URL
400582, RE: McAfee Security Center??
Posted by ejames81, Tue Feb-21-06 05:05 AM
hi everybody, i'm new to your website. it's a great site. i currently have mcafee AV with firewall, and it's a very good product, but i've decided to switch over to kaspersky. the only problem i'm having is disabling the firewall. i am unable to get the info thru mcafee. grogan was right on with everything he stated earlier, and shelly was also. uninstalling this has to be done precisely and completely. first virusscan, then firewall, then security center. i have to go right into the computer files, and possibly run a cleaner. i've never done this before and i want all the info lined up for when the trial period expires. Thanks, Ed