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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Unable to Get Online After PC Has Been Idle
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401009, RE: Unable to Get Online After PC Has Been Idle
Posted by DavyWavy, Thu Feb-23-06 04:37 PM
My computer has been doing this for the past couple of weeks, Laurie...
glad to hear it's not just me. Something has to be going on...we're not
all using the same ISP's, so I think we can rule that out. Regarding
Chewy's suggestion about not using Standby or Hibernation...I've been using Standby for years with no problems, so why would it start up now?
I think we can rule that one out, too. And these intermittent kinds of
things can drive you buggy! They come and go for no apparent reason...
let us know how you're doing, Laurie...I'll do the same...