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Topic subjectRE: No longer recommending Dell
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41274, RE: No longer recommending Dell
Posted by Backflip, Thu Feb-28-02 07:07 PM
Al I agree with you that terrorism is a worldwide problem, and I don't share Freek concerns about British troops being in Afganistan. I think though, if you read his other posts, that his worry is that the US is deciding who should be classified as terrorists, and that the definition is confined to those who damage the US. He mentioned the IRA, which received some support in the US based on ignorance and myths. Similarly there is terrorist activity in many quarters of the world, but no action is intended there because it does not impinge on the US. Terrorism will never be defeated, and we kid ourselves if we think it will. Terrorism exists because certain countries (rightly or wrongly) feel they have a grievance, and either indulge in terrorist activities themselves, or do it cohertly, through others. This is in no way intended to condone terrorism, but rationally what can a country (such as Iraq) do that believes it has been treated unjustly? Please note....I am NOT saying Iraq has a just cause, but they believe they do, and that is the crux. It can no longer simply declare war on the US, that would last about 2 days at the most. The US has massive resources/technology/population which precludes an open declaration of war. This is a fact of life, the underdog will always try means other than an open confrontation. Something may be done this time to subdue terrorism, but it will re-appear.