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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
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464699, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Mon Oct-22-07 01:12 AM
Now I have a a problem if anyone can help me.

In XP when I'm on a website, I "print" articles, selecting Acrobat Pro. as my printer. No hard copy is printed; it goes to the hard drive saved as pdf file, which I can print as hard copy if I choose to.

I want to do the same in Ubuntu but have been unable to do so. Pdf file is supposed to be a default file in Ubuntu, but I've failed to figure out how to do it. check several books, googling, still get no where.

Any suggestions? thanks.

Possibly will work in the newer version? Read these.

Also for other things, if you didn't know, if you are editing documents with Openoffice, there is an export directly to PDF icon in the toolbar.