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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
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464861, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Tue Oct-23-07 09:52 PM
not that happy with Mandriva

I let enough of my 30 day usage go off so that I could download it too. It certainly isn't PCLOS, not bad, just not great. The software installer/updater isn't up to Synaptic, it's much slower on my system and takes more processor to run it. Also I have one random crash every other boot or so on loading the desktop (compiz related though). I don't care for the default install, the kernel they choose only supports about 800 something megs of ram, so a person needs to go in and install a different kernel to fix that. It's also fast, but doesn't seem to run as smooth.

and know how to post it here, I will.

There are several photo hosting sites, but I've been using this one. Not just for photos. It has been flaky, once, but it's free, has several options and gives you a lot of room to upload stuff. You can also link directly to the files, no ads. You won't want to put that many directly on here, for people that don't have broadband.

Have fun.