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Topic subjectRE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
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465379, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by basa48, Mon Oct-29-07 08:57 PM
Even more reason to give Linux a shot. But, to be clear, are NO safeguards needed in Linux? And, is that simply because this OS is not yet attracting the attention of nogoodnik troublemakers?

Grogan, do you know of, and recommend, a comprehensive guide to Linux versions and apps? I've loaded the LiveCD of Ubunto and was astounded at what it could do right off with no work on my part. On the other hand, I ran the LiveCd for PCLinux and found it foreign and confusing---couldn't get anywhere with it because of its strange (to me as a Windows user) terminology and references.

I'm not sure if Linux is inherently safer or just that it is not in the cross hairs of the 'nogoodniks'.

I have tried previous versions of Ubuntu and PCLOS and couldn't get on with them at all. As you say far too foreign and confusing. I gave up both times after not too much effort, thinking that using a computer should be fun not a struggle to understand and follow the strange language and commands just to change say a display setting.

Then I came across Ubuntu 7.10. This distro threatened to change my mind.

It installed faultlessly and seamlessly, even loading sound, graphics and ethernet drivers. I installed Opera easier than in XP.

.............But then the fun stopped.

I tried to change the boot order in the GRUB loader and Googled for solutions. This involved starting the Terminal. OK except the Terminal was just a blank white rectangle with no menu and I couldn't type a letter in it !!

Tried to install Frostwire. The .deb file installed OK (it said) but the resultant shortcut refuses to do anything, not even an error message. Tried to alter the display settings, whereupon Ubuntu told me I need to install nVidia drivers. OK it installed them for me, but ever since I'm getting the display all different sizes or slewed to one side and now my 'close / minimise / restore' icons are missing !!

So enough is enough .. I just don't need to wrestle with an OS to get it to work the way I like. I should be enjoying my PC experience, not trying to figure out how to do straightforward tasks.

This was my third (and final) attempt to get to grips with Linux. Unfortunately that makes me sad :-(