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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Imaging Software
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498388, RE: Imaging Software
Posted by Zeke36, Sat Jan-31-09 01:41 PM
I just ditched Macrium (free version) because it made 4 consecutive corrupt images. I just downloaded a 30 trial of the pro. version but have not tried it yet.

In the meantime I made a backup image with Acronis TI 11. I had bought that about a year ago when it was on sale at Staples. It always seems to work for me. How ever it is a heavier load on the computer than Macrium.

I would prefer to use Macrium if it works properly.

I would also recommend Erunt to back up your registry every day. It saved my butt twice this week after downloading some freeware games that changed some of my settings.