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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Imaging Software
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499192, RE: Imaging Software
Posted by aptdweller, Mon Feb-16-09 01:39 AM
Hi, I'm new to the Forum. I've been building Systems since 1984 and I Have personally tried Ghost, Acronis and a Few other Programs. I Read through all the posts soo far and saw no mention of My personal favorite Called CASPER. It used to be called Casper xp. I Wrote an article about it on The CNET Forum awhile back. Here's a Link if anyone is interested in checking it out. Casper . Regards from Ray..

After reading this thread I decided I should just check my imaging program TI 11 Home. I have two computers, each one has its own copy of True Image 11 Home. Although I've made backups religiously I haven't used the rescue disks so today I started both computers with rescue disks, they didn't work, while using the rescue disk one computer couldn't check the latest backup, it just froze, the other computer after booting with its rescue disk wouldn't go past the choice of checking backups for verification, it just froze. So both computers booting up with their rescue disks couldn't verify their backups but both computers while in windows mode could verify their backups as good. How reliable can this be? both computers are WinXP Pro sp3. I am waiting for a reply from Acronis but not holding my breath.

So I downloaded Macrium, on the first computer I made a backup and rescue disk, booted with the rescue disk and got the black screen and nothing more, not a good thing. I then downloaded Casper but it seems to need its own disk from what I can see, erasing everything on the disk before making a backup, I don't have an extra disk at this time.

Not a good day, now I don't know if I have a reliable backup or not.
