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Topic subjectRE: Imaging Software
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499201, RE: Imaging Software
Posted by aptdweller, Mon Feb-16-09 12:46 PM

Stan,As I Mentioned in an earlier post,just speaking from my own personal experiences using different Versions of (Norton)Ghost & Acronis in order to Give them a Fair chance over the years,Casper is MY personal hands down Choice. Ghost and Acronis both Failed me enough not to trust them. Are you trying to Backup your entire Drive to and external Drive or Just trying to Create a Bootable ISO Disc? Casper does have an ISO Disc,but i don't recall if it's available with the trial version or if it was a seperate purchase,or came with my retail purchase? I Have it here but it's over a 90 meg file! If i can be of any help to you please let me know. ** Just as a side note,The only fault i ever found with Casper (or any other disc imaging software) is if you have an HPA (host protected area) partition on your Computer,such as some of the earlier Dell Laptops with Early version of Media Direct Software,No imaging Software will copy this properly ,because it can't really "See" it. This was an old IBM Technologly carried over by Some Computer companies including Some of the Dell's. I Do have a work around for it but it's NO FUN at all. If anyone really needs to know how,let me know** Ray..

Thank you for your reply. Both of my computers are home built so there should be no host protected area. I've not heard of Casper before and all I really need is to get back up running but from what I understand about Casper is a backup on a hard drive will wipe out everything else on that drive? or am I misunderstanding that? After reading my first post I see I used disk instead of drive, sorry, confusing alright.

I fired Casper up with the trial version, pointed it to my external drive with TI backups and I received the warning everything else will be deleted so I didn't go through with the backup. I am not interested in making a ISO disc at this time but Thanks for the offer of help.

I spent about 5 hours yesterday on this subject. I don't know if it was a waste of time or not but I know now that making a image of a drive is only as good as the software used to recover it.

Maybe using True Image or Casper to duplicate another entire hard drive is the best way to go?
