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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Imaging Software
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499206, RE: Imaging Software
Posted by RayNY2E, Mon Feb-16-09 02:42 PM
Hi Stan, All of My Three Desktops are Homebuilt as well. I Also have two Laptops here and i use Casper on All of Them. On my Desktops,i use Removeable Mobile slide Racks to Pull the drive out after Cloning. On my Laptops, I Use home built USB Enclosures for the SATA Drives. When you start Casper,Select Copy Disc and it will show you Drive 1 (default) which is your Main (source) Drive. If you selected the "Copy Disc" option it will then show you drive 2, (your Target Disc). It warns you that Anything on the Target Disc WILL BE LOST because it's going to Clone your Source drive for you exactly as it is. (You don't need the ISO file. That's a whole seperate animal). Everything you need is right there in the Program. The First Time you use The Program it will take awhile,but after that,it only takes a few minutes using the Smart Clone Technology. The User Interface is small and simple to use. Once the Copy is Complete,it will generate a report for you to view if you'd like to see it telling you the operation completed successfully.. When the Job is Done, Just be sure to Click on EXIT on the menu before disconnecting the External Drive. Hope this helps some, Ray..