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Topic subjectRE: Imaging Software
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499275, RE: Imaging Software
Posted by aptdweller, Tue Feb-17-09 12:31 PM

Have you tried making a new recovery disk from within Acronis?

Yes, I have made two recovery disks from each computer thinking a bad burn, that is after downloading and installing the latest update to TI 11 Home. Both computers boot with the rescue disks (one gives me the black screen of death after making a selection) and the other computer cannot verify its backups from an external drive although TI has no problems performing the backups and verifying them while in windows on both computers.

What I think I will do is keep TI to backup as long as I have it installed, it works well to go into backups to retrieve certain folders and files.

I will also get Casper because Casper will clone a drive as a backup. If I understand correctly, TI will make a clone of the C: drive onto a new drive but then the new drive must be installed?
