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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Imaging Software
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499276, RE: Imaging Software
Posted by aptdweller, Tue Feb-17-09 01:53 PM
Stan, You're quite welcome. If you already have TI and feel comfortable with it,then that's fine. I would just strongly recommend that whatever Method or Program you use,That you Make SURE it did what you wanted it to do BEFORE you really need it in a pinch. Reminds me of some of the first Tape drives that were not reliable to some degree or another at times. You "Thought" you had a good backup.....until it came time to use it. Nice to meet you here on the Forum. Ray..

I've ordered two of the drives, one for each computer, I will be using them with Casper as backup drives. Some years ago I was using an imaging program called DriveImage and when I needed it to restore the OS it didn't work. In fact, TI is sort of reminding me of what DriveImage was like, smooth looking and lots of promises, if it works for someone else that's great but after this ordeal and the amount of time I spent, its for someone else, not me.

I never heard of Casper before, I appreciate this forum and the subjects brought up, your timing for joining the forum was perfect, please keep contributing! there are many knowledgeable members here.
