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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Imaging Software
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499286, RE: Imaging Software
Posted by RayNY2E, Tue Feb-17-09 02:33 PM
Hi Stan,When i joined the Forum i was just browsing the threads and i see there are alot of Members who REALLY know what they're talking about and offer a wealth of information. It's a pleasure for me to read on such a forum as this one. When i discovered the thread about this backup situation,i read all the posts from different folks and everyone was offering their opinions which makes this whole process work. As i read all the Posts,i saw no mention of The one I've settled in with, Casper, soo i thought i'd just put it out there for general info for anyone that cared to check it out. If my post has helped you or anyone else out in anyway,then i am glad i posted here. At least you have the Free trial Version of Casper to evaluate and i do believe you'll be very satisfied. Please let us know your opinion once you've had the chance to use it. Regards from Ray..