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Topic subjectRE: OT - Privacy registry hack.
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852, RE: OT - Privacy registry hack.
Posted by SloHands, Fri Dec-14-01 11:47 PM
Unregistered the .dll, which is, from what I understand, what it is supposed to do.

AND, as Grogan suggested above, it is only ONE avenue being secured. I am also making the presumpsion that it is a HIGH PROFILE avenue for "crackers" to attack.

One other thing lets clear up, I also am cognizant of the fact that NO SYSTEM OR CONFIGURATION IS TOTALLY "SAFE" from a determined cracker.

BUT, I intend to make accessing my PC as difficult as I possibly can using every means available to me to do so. I may be marginally competent at using a PC, but I am not totally stupid. I can comprehend the dangers that threaten my use of this PC. Should some asshole cracker render it unusable, I'll throw the damn thing in the trash can and walk away. It was fun while it lasted.