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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectOT - Thanks, CNN...
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1678, OT - Thanks, CNN...
Posted by PsychoLogical, Sun Dec-16-01 08:14 AM
...and MSNBC, FoxNews, and now even my local network TV news programs.

With your banners, bugs, and the "crawl", you've taken over so much of the real estate
on my (former) 21-inch TV screen that it now might as well be a 17-incher.

And now to add insult to injury, you start using the crawl to advertise your website,
upcoming programs, and other "supplementary info" that you think I just can't do without.

Keep it up and I may just cover up that portion of the screen with duct tape.
(Maybe using holiday colors, in keeping with the season?)

Red Green and Tim Taylor would be so proud! ;-)

Just now, after a commercial break, the talking head said, "Welcome back to America's New War."
Do these people even hear what they're saying? Do they really think it's just any old program topic?
Welcome back?? To a war?!? What DOPES!!! :'( :-(