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Topic subjectRE: SystemWorks Pro sale
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1979, RE: SystemWorks Pro sale
Posted by KJT, Wed Dec-19-01 09:29 AM
The version of GoBack included with NSW2002 Pro is but a shell of it's pre-Roxio iteration. Unless you pay an additional $29.95 to Roxio for the "Deluxe" version, you get just a barebones edition that only "reverts" and which sets very few "safe points" - at least in comparison to the earlier Wildfile and Adaptec versions (2.2x and prequelae). Additionally, it does not have file recovery for deleted or previous versions of a file.

Still, for the uninitiated, or for anyone who uses their computer minimally and/or who practices safe computing, it should be quite sufficient. And you can't beat the price with everything else you get after the rebates.
