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Topic subjectDSL VS CABLE ?
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214133, DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Mike1, Tue Apr-15-03 02:03 AM
Are they both about the same in speed,or is one better than the other ?
I'd just like to get a few opinions. Thanks ! :)
214134, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Doc, Tue Apr-15-03 02:34 AM
We have both in my area. DSL came first; and, I jumped on it. I have seen cable (RoadRunner) from some friends. RoadRunner seems about 3-4 times faster than my DSL. But, my DSL is about 10-15 times faster than dialup.

- Jeff
214135, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by bhav, Tue Apr-15-03 03:48 AM
I would recommend cable but it can really depend upon your location etc. I tried DSL but the house that i am in right now has OLD wiring and some of the telephone jacks are really bad and i kept losing my connection every few minutes. i finally settled for cable. and with DSL you do have to 'connect every time'.
make sure you get a firewall if u get cable; u don't want strangers sharing your bandwidth ;) . i've tried Zone alarm(free), sygate(free) and freedom from zero knowledge(i got it free!). from my personal experience SYGATE is the way to go. :)
214136, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Doc, Tue Apr-15-03 03:51 AM
I do NOT have to log in everytime on my DSL. It is always on (except of course if the service is down for some reason - which is rare). I totally agree about the firewall, for DSL or cable. I use ZoneAlarm plus a DSL/Cable Router (I have 3 machines).

- Jeff
214137, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ablib, Tue Apr-15-03 04:13 AM
I tried Zone Alarm and it was a pain for me with networked Pc's. Maybe I didn't read the instructions fully.

As for the service. Cable vs. DSL. Get the one that provides the best speeds and service for your area. Virtually every company has free trial periods. Get DSL, test your speeds, then get cable and test your speeds. Go to and read up on your local providers. And choose the best!
214138, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Tue Apr-15-03 04:13 AM
Both DSL and cable are "always on" connections in most places. I have both, Cable at home and DSL at work. The cable is always considerably faster than the DSL, though both are impacted when the internet is very busy. Given the choice I would opt for cable unless the cable company in your area offers poor service, or a severely capped connection.
214139, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Pilgrim, Tue Apr-15-03 04:13 AM

That's like asking if you would get to work faster by bus or car. hehe The answer is: It all depends!. There are several mitigating factors that you need to find out before you can really say which one is "faster". There are Cable connections which are very fast, e.g., "Shaw Cable" in Canada was very fast (5500 kbps/385 kbps) compared to Telus DSL (1500 kbps/128 kbps). But you need to find out about "caps" which the ISP might have online, if the ISP provides a well maintained Proxy Server, how many people are allowed on a "node" (Cable), etc., etc. I have a friend in S. California who is on Cable and the best download speeds attainable for this person have been in the 800 kbps range.

Cable is adversely effected by the number of subscribers online which share your node. DSL is not. So, it's a matter of adding up all the factors and then making an informed decision. Also you should find out about their Use Policy. If you going to be a "Bandwidth Hog" and are going to be using 50 gigs/month up or down, then this is something you REALLY need to investigate.

Oh, for the record..... I recommend "Outpost" personal firewall. But yes, as the others have also written, you NEED to use a full-time firewall with a broadband connection.

simul iustus et peccator
214140, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Mike1, Tue Apr-15-03 04:33 AM
Well,actually at home, I have AT&T cable now,and I recently went through a hair-pulling ordeal in getting it repaired,as I had mentioned in a previous post,their internet people were out here 3 times,and it would work until they left,and then go down again,it finally got solved after the 4th time when I called the cable TV people to come out,cause channel 3 was comming in lousy,and an internet tech told me that the internet was also coming in on channel 3,that the problem was fixed,a bad connector at the distribution box outside was causing all the problems.So at the time I was considering other options.As you can see it works fine now,however SBC will give me a year contract for 34.95,$10/mo. cheaper than my current cable connection.So I'm wondering whether to take it. :)
214141, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by madc, Tue Apr-15-03 04:58 AM
I have also had both and found that cable was much faster. Also here with dsl you still have to sign on even though it's an "always on connection" Cable does fluctuate in speed more than the dsl did. The price for cable here bundled with your TV was also much cheaper for same speed. See where you get best deal and as others have said check dsl reports
214142, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by jujet84, Tue Apr-15-03 05:13 AM
Madc Question:Why do you have to sign on if your not on dialup.I've never heard of this.
214143, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by madc, Tue Apr-15-03 05:47 AM
Hi jujet,
My next door neighbor has dsl and everytime he goes online he has to put his name and password in. I don't know why but thats what happens.
214144, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Ttech, Tue Apr-15-03 08:33 AM
It's PPPoE, a way for the DSL provider to keep users from being connected all the time, thus freeing bandwidth.
214145, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by marti, Tue Apr-15-03 08:54 AM
I have ADSL and connect via a PPPoE program. I don't have to enter my ID and password each time, as I entered it once and saved it as part of the program. Anyone who has to enter a ID/password each time, is either doing it for security reasons (kids maybe??) or doesn't know how to use the PPPoE software.

214146, RE: PPPoE
Posted by guest, Wed Apr-16-03 12:10 AM
Linksys routers have PPPoE built into them; so you don't need to run software. Others may as well.


214147, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Crockett, Wed Apr-16-03 06:59 AM
I agree with Marti...I'm also on ADSL and connect via a PPPoE program. I'm not always connected, and only had to type in my name and password the first time, then asked it to save that. I, personally do not see much fluctuation in my speeds when the internet has it's slow periods. I have many friends in my area on cable that do have greater fluctuations than I do. When theirs is fast, it's faster than mine.
Thanks for the link Shelly.

214148, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Billy_Black, Fri Apr-18-03 10:36 AM
Hey Mike1,

however SBC will give me a year contract for 34.95,$10/mo. cheaper than my current cable connection.So I'm wondering whether to take it.

I went with SBC/Yahoo DSL and am pleased with the results. Without cable TV, AT&T wanted $47, too much. SBC gave me my first year at $29.99/mon. One thing to note if you are running XP you can can do without SBC's software. Unless you want their browser, yahoo's messenger, connection manager etc. XP wil handle the LAN stuff and you will 'create a new connection' entering your info. You can then drop a shortcut into your startup folder.

If you are a Zone Alarm fan you'll find it won't work past it's 'medium' setting. Sygate (free) works well.

There is also a very good forum here:,am

The log-on will take about a minute because XP is 'obtaining an IP address automatically' each time for the NIC. Find the IP XP is using, enter it, and tick 'use the following IP address' under LAN connections, properties, TCP/IP. Log-ons should now take about 3 seconds.

It will be slower than cable, but it's plenty good for all my needs. And for on-line gaming my pings are around 50.
214149, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by marti, Fri Apr-18-03 10:51 AM
>If you are a Zone Alarm fan you'll find it won't work past
>it's 'medium' setting. Sygate (free) works well.

That's a strange statement, considering I have ADSL through SBC and run ZAPlus at "high" in the Internet zone.
214150, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Billy_Black, Sat Apr-19-03 03:12 AM

>If you are a Zone Alarm fan you'll find it won't work past
>it's 'medium' setting. Sygate (free) works well.

>That's a strange statement, considering I have ADSL through SBC and run ZAPlus at "high" in the Internet zone.

I should have specified the free version. Zone's forums suggest to go 'Pro' or whatever it's called, to make it work on 'high'. As a side note I was an Agnitum Outpost (free) user, it too would not work with SBC/Yahoo either.

Here's one forum post:

Had Verizon DSL, ZA worked great. Now have SBC Yahoo...what to do with ZA?
New Member
Registered: 01-28-2003

I've been reading the postings/threads by Hoov et al regarding problems with SBC Yahoo DSL and Zone Alarm. I used to have ZA running fine with my Verizon DSL, but the folks at 2WIRE (home portal) and SBC say to disable or uninstall ZA in order for their service to work. When I asked 2WIRE technical support why their firewall doesn't prevent unauthorized egress across my ports (like the FTP port), I was curtly told not to download trojan horses. That's not good enough for my peace of mind...HELP! Should I re-install ZA on my computer (running Windows Me), and using SBC Yahoo DSL? or is it doubtful it will even work now with sbc dsl? Does ZApro circumvent these problems? THank you.
214151, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by craiggEMT, Sat Apr-19-03 12:38 AM
I just recently took that SBC offer. My cable provider is Charter Communications and I'm sick of the constant downtime, rate increases, and poor customer service I was getting. I am also considering dropping cable all together and going with satelite!

The thing that sold me on SBC DSL is the FREE dial up account. I am out of town alot and that comes in handy. Another great thing with SBC DSL and their dial up is you can be logged on both at the same time i.e my wife is online @ home and I can dial up elsewhere. Currently SBC only offers the basic DSL in my area (384k down, 128k up). They will be upgrading in the very near future and I can still get the $34.95 monthly rate for a year AFTER the upgrade. Even the basic DSL from SBC is faster than the Pipeline Silver from charter (256k down, 128k up @ $45 monthly).
214152, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Randy_Bell, Tue Apr-15-03 05:40 AM
They are roughly the same, you can get very high d/l speeds with either service. DSL requires that you be located within a minimum distance of the Central Office (CO). ;)
214153, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Tue Apr-15-03 06:41 AM
I want to correct a few errors in the previous posts. All bandwidth is shared. Cable is shared at the local drop (node), DSL is shared at the CO switch where the phone company connects to the backbone. The number of simultaneous users affects the speed of both cable and DSL, with DSL the bottleneck is just moved downstream.

To get DSL you must be located within 6000 meters of the CO, some phone companies use even shorter distance requirements. With Cable you can be located anywhere within the cable service area.

Full speed DSL in the US is considered to be 1500/256, many providers have lower speeds in both directions.

Uncapped cable is theoretically capable of 10MB down but in practice normally gets about 2000/300 to 3000/400 under good conditions. I have gotten as high as 5500/500, but that is a rarity.

My Cable service has always felt considerably faster than my DSL service, but both are more often limited by Internet congestion and server congestion at the URL being contacted than by my actual ISP connection speed. My DSL by the way is static IP rather than DHCP because I use it for video conferencing, as well as computing.

The important thing for anyone trying to choose between cable and DSL is the quality of the service provider in YOUR area. You have to do the research.
214154, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by rocketrobbie, Tue Apr-15-03 10:31 AM
Hey Shelly. Pilgrim above said that Shaw Cable in Canada was very fast (5500 kbps/385 kbps). I use Shaw Cable but my numbers are 1285/375 kbps. My upload looks fine but why is my download so slow compared to the numbers you gave above;(2000/300 to 3000/400)??
214155, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Tue Apr-15-03 07:46 PM
Your service could be capped, or your Windows settings could be incorrect. Go to

And install the correct patch for your Operating System.

(Edited for new URL address)
214156, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by rocketrobbie, Tue Apr-15-03 11:22 PM
Shelly, I get a 404 error for that link. At PCPitstop I've applied a patch that ups my TCP Receive Window to 64240. Is that what these patches do as well? I guess I have to live with these low numbers unless anyone has any ideas. :(
214157, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Wed Apr-16-03 12:04 AM
They changed the site, new URL:
214158, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by rocketrobbie, Wed Apr-16-03 12:18 AM
What the hell is PPPoE and how do you know if your ISP uses it? I use Shaw Cable out of Calgary, Alberta.
214159, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by marti, Wed Apr-16-03 12:40 AM

It's used for ADSL -- never heard of cable using it.
214160, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by rocketrobbie, Wed Apr-16-03 12:50 AM
Thanks Marti, the link that Shelly gives above; do you know if it just ups the TCP Receive Window to 64240 because I've already applied a patch from PCPitstop that did that; or is the patch Shelly offers different?
214161, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Wed Apr-16-03 12:59 AM
It makes a number of registry changes. There is also a patch there to reverse the changes if you are not happy with then. Install the patch, you should see a dramatic speed increase.
214162, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by rocketrobbie, Wed Apr-16-03 02:12 AM
Thanks Shelly. Should I go to PCPitstop first and reverse the patch back to the Windows default and then apply this other patch? Probably wouldn't hurt to do so?
214163, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Pilgrim, Wed Apr-16-03 06:28 PM

I have no idea what O/S you are using, but IF it is XP, then DO NOT mess with your MTU or RWIN settings... leave them alone! They do NOT need to be "tweaked".. And I really couldn't care less what any "expert" says to the contrary. With Shaw Cable, your default XP settings are the very best you can get. It's been tested over and over again by many. XP manages things just fine for Cable.

However, if you running something other than XP, then there are some "tweaks" that can help. Puffins already provided the URL for "Marvin Miller's" website but here it is again: Ask Marvin What you should pay particular attention to is the "Proxy Server" section. This will without doubt give you the best speed improvements with the least amount of configuration. Marvin has also provided some "Registry tweaks" for the different Operating Systems to change MTU and RWIN settings, and I can testify to their verity. They work.

I was using Shaw Cable in the Vancouver area and CONSISTENTLY got download speeds over 4000 kbps and very often over 5000 kbps. Most of the people I know in Calgary who are on Shaw Cable do even better than that using Shaw's Proxy server.

Have Fun!!

simul iustus et peccator
214164, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Randy_Bell, Wed Apr-16-03 01:40 AM
I searched the dslreports FAQs for 'PPPoE' and found some references:

Windows XP PPPoE (Microsoft Support Site)
What is the PPPoE Method?
Windows XP and EarthLink DSL
Does DSL need a Dialtone?
How to install PPPoE on Windows XP?

plus all these from the Tweaking FAQ:

PPPoE & PPPoA: What do these stand for?
DRTCP: How do I use it, & what are all these settings?
MTU: Setting it with RASPPPoE
MTU: Setting it for non PPPoE users, and PPPoA.

and so on. Just go to Site Search and enter 'PPPoE' to get tons of hits. ;)
214165, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by winbob, Wed Apr-16-03 07:34 AM

Isn't uncapping your modem in the same category as Software Piracy, and Cable Theft of Service???

I am really surprised that you do this, and more so that you openly discuss it in the Forum.

If I'm wrong about this, please advise, as my son has wanted to uncap our modem and I have not let him.

214166, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by marti, Wed Apr-16-03 07:38 AM
>Isn't uncapping your modem in the same category as Software
>Piracy, and Cable Theft of Service???
>I am really surprised that you do this, and more so that you
>openly discuss it in the Forum.
>If I'm wrong about this, please advise, as my son has wanted
>to uncap our modem and I have not let him.

Please go back and read Shelly's post again. He didn't say that he had "tampered with his cable modem."
214167, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Wed Apr-16-03 07:21 PM
I have no idea how you got that idea! Nothing I have ever posted deals with uncapping any service, in fact that is not possible without tampering with the service feed. You might wish to work on your reading comprehension. There are default settings in Windows that are designed for dial up modems. These must be changed if you are using a broadband connection or they will limit your computers ability to handle data packets efficiently.
214168, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by winbob, Fri Apr-18-03 09:12 AM
Shelly, et al,

Sorry to have been away for a few days, been very busy. The reason I "got the idea", that uncapping was in the topic was..and I quote Shelly's response:

"Uncapped cable is theoretically capable of 10MB down but in practice normally gets about 2000/300 to 3000/400 under good conditions. I
HAVE GOTTEN AS HIGH AS 5500/500, BUT THAT IS A RARITY." (The caps are mine to clarify the ambiguous portion of msg)

Shelly, I think that "working on my reading comprehension" as you suggested is not as critical as your working on your writing clarity, as well as your demeanor. Quite seriously I personally have noted that over the last many months that demeanor has seemed to become somewhat comtemptuous of others :-( Your snide remark about "reading comprehension" is rather typical. I regret whatever the issues are that have brought about this change, but the change IS there, and noticable!

Sadly it detracts from the Forum.

Now, I fully expect a rush to your defense by the ever faithful, but a little introspective examination may be worth your consideration. I personally would like to see the earlier version of Shelly back again.

214169, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Sat Apr-19-03 05:14 AM
You are reading something that is not there. My cable service, like most in thia country is not, and never has been capped. At no point did I ever suggest that it was capped. I stand by my comments, you are still unable to comprehend what you read, and you chose to imply that I did something dishonest. Beyond that, I really don't give a damn what you think, if you accuse me of dishonesty, be prepared too stand and fight.
214170, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by MSU, Sat Apr-19-03 05:58 AM
"My cable service, like most in thia country is not, and never has been capped."

:-( Lucky guy. When I had @home for my cable I used to get speeds like you're getting. When AT&T took over, after @home going bankrupt, they capped the service at 1500 down and 128 up. Still fast as all heck though :) .
214171, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by winbob, Sat Apr-19-03 06:06 AM

I asked a question, and obviously you would rather take offense than offer a clarification...and then start the school yard B.S. That is exactly what I refered to last as to the change in your demeanor..da older you get, 'da meaner you get'! :+

Please don't be so thin skinned that you see attacks coming from places that they are not. Also why do you think that your prose is clear as the morning air? Even you sometimes leave room for miscommunication.

Nuff said as far as I'm can have the last word.

214172, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Sat Apr-19-03 06:54 AM
Like hell you didn't accuse me!

Isn't uncapping your modem in the same category as Software Piracy, and Cable Theft of Service???

I am really surprised that you do this, and more so that you openly discuss it in the Forum."

That is pretty clear to me and anyone else on this forum.

214173, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by winbob, Sat Apr-19-03 09:34 PM
Gosh Shelly, I have to go back...sorta...on my "you can have the last comment" statement, because your last comment was so outrageous:

"That is pretty clear to me AND ANYONE ELSE ON THIS FORUM."
(Caps mine for emphasis)

The fact that you even think that you can speak for "anyone else on this forum". Illustrates the problem...Demeanor, Ego, whatever you want to call it, you exhibit a fair share, and it comes across as denigrating in many instances, as some on this forum MAY also find "pretty clear".

Oh by the way, if I misconstrued your inital statement and erroneously believed that you were doing something illegal, I apologize. For the rest of our conversation I do not. Now if you want, you can really, truly, have the last word....and I'm sure you will.

214174, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ablib, Sat Apr-19-03 08:25 AM
"My cable service, like most in thia country is not, and never has been capped. At no point did I ever suggest that it was capped."

Are you saying that cable companies don't put a cap on our modems? I thought they were all capped to share the bandwidth effciently. If the modems aren't capped then what's all this talk about uncapping? What is there to uncap?
214175, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Sat Apr-19-03 08:48 AM
Cable bandwidth is limited by sharing at the drop. The exceptionally high speeds are rare because they occur at off peak times,when few of the users sharing with you are online. If you were the only user on cable you could in theory see speeds on the order of 10Mb/s on downloads. In reality you would not get that speed because there are other limiting factors such as backbone congestion and server loading at the destination URL and at every node the packets pass through between your location and the destination URL. DSL is limited (Capped) by the CO, it has nothing to do with the modem.
214176, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ablib, Sun Apr-20-03 07:48 AM
My cable service I bought is the best my company has at 1024/128. I have never seen it go higher than that. Since I know that cable service is definitely capable of better speeds than that. I thought that it was capped at that.

214177, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Sun Apr-20-03 08:20 AM
Cable service can be limited in speed by the provider, but not at the modem. You can buy your own cable modem, and not use one from the cable company.
214178, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by jasonlevine, Tue Apr-15-03 07:06 AM
The one thing to note, at least where I've looked, is that DSL tends to be more expensive than Cable. They seem to sell DSL in different bandwidth packages. To get the one that achieves "cable modem" speed, you have to pay a lot more. Of course, different providers might have different packages/prices, so YMMV. Check the fine print for any speed restrictions though.
214179, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Mike1, Tue Apr-15-03 07:37 AM
Well, I really appreciate all the info and suggestions,I still have the cable on,and supposedly tommorow,I get the DSL ,so I think I'm just going to make my own little speed tests and see which one is best. :)
214180, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by marti, Tue Apr-15-03 09:02 AM
>The one thing to note, at least where I've looked, is that
>DSL tends to be more expensive than Cable. They seem to
>sell DSL in different bandwidth packages. To get the one
>that achieves "cable modem" speed, you have to pay a lot
>more. Of course, different providers might have different
>packages/prices, so YMMV. Check the fine print for any
>speed restrictions though.

When I got ADSL the price was the same, but the caveat was that if you didn't have cable TV through the local provider, the price was "cost of high-speed internet + $30 or $40." The bottom line was that we would have to pay for basic cable TV services to get the high-speed internet service, even if we didn't have the TV part ever activated. Since we don't have cable TV (by choice), that service was not even considered in our house.

214181, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ablib, Tue Apr-15-03 11:49 AM
It's to prevent cable TV theft. I know at one time before the cable companies became wise to it, people used to cancel their TV service, get a cable modem and split the cable from the modem to their TV and only pay for the cable modem service.
214182, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Puffins, Wed Apr-16-03 12:40 AM
Rocketrobbie & Pilgrim:

Might be of interest to you. The site admin "Marvin" is a Shaw user and the site provides some ideas, particularly interesting as it relates to cable speed, ISP cached servers and defRWin/TCPOpt settings. The forum itself is rather stark.

214183, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by A_Thor, Wed Apr-16-03 01:31 AM
I use cable modem only no TV. It is much faster than DSL was (when mine worked, but that's another story), up to 4 times faster.

I believe they are using low pass filters to give only cable modem access as data trafic frequecies are very high. Probably use high pass filter for you TV only subsribers. They locked the access point so I can't verify.


214184, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by rocketrobbie, Fri Apr-18-03 10:16 AM
214185, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by tangoman, Sat Apr-19-03 09:44 AM
Another "BUMP" ( I'm a slow reader! )
214186, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ZakBob, Sun Apr-20-03 11:00 AM

My dad asked me some questions about this thread, so I thought I would share some of what I have learned about the world of High Speed Internet, uncapping, etc.
Gosh I love my Dad! :7

Shelly: "Your service could be capped, or your Windows settings could be incorrect."
All CABLE and DSL Service is capped. No matter what, regardless of registry settings. Registry settings will not change the caps. DSL is capped at the ISP end, While cable is capped at the modem's end by the Config File that is downloaded by the modem from the TFTP server. A simple registry tweak will not change the caps.

Shelly: "Install the patch, you should see a dramatic speed increase."
Not so...The caps will remain the same and therefore downloads will not improve much if at all. You may think they are but despite popular belief 99.9% of users are not effected by this registry "flaw".

Shelly: "There are default settings in Windows that are designed for dial up modems. These must be changed if you are using a broadband connection or they will limit your computers ability to handle data packets efficiently."
This is not entirely true, if you are using an ethernet card and not a dialup card then the "defaults" are not used and your packets will be handled just fine. Windows does know the difference between Ethernet cards and dialup cards.

Shelly: "My cable service, like most in thia (sic) country is not, and never has been capped."
Sorry to break it to you, but your country is and always will be capped, without caps specified to a cable modem a cable modem will not function correctly and cannot establish a signal to the main SERVER NODE.

Shelly: "DSL is limited (Capped) by the CO, it has nothing to do with the modem"
You are correct in this statement, DSL unlike cable modems do nothing to modify the modem to establish a cap it is all at the server end. But cable modems download a config file from a TFTP server which specifies a CAP and many other settings such as DHCP settings and amount of IPs that are available to a single Modem. No CABLE modem can function properly without specified settings and caps.

Shelly: "Cable service can be limited in speed by the provider, but not at the modem. You can buy your own cable modem, and not use one from the cable company."
This is total and complete CRAP. The cable modem is the only place cable companys can limit YOUR cable service (outside of limiting their node) once again..A config file is downloaded that specifies caps..if there is no config internet :)

This is what a Motorola Surfboard SB4200 Cable modem Goes through (as the following logs from Cable Modems configuration page explain, see my notes in logs).

************ 7-Information I510.0 *** BOOTING *** SB4200-
************ 7-Information F502.1 Bridge Forwarding Enabled.
************ 7-Information F502.3 Bridge Learning Enabled.
************ 7-Information B0.0 Baseline Privacy
************ 7-Information I500.0 Registration Completed
************ 7-Information I0.0 REG-RSP Registration Response
************ 7-Information I0.0 REG-REQ Registration Request
************ 7-Information D509.0 Retrieved TFTP Config hsd1.5M.cfg SUCCESS //Config file downloaded
************ 7-Information D507.1 Retrieved Time....... FAILED
************ 7-Information D511.0 Retrieved DHCP .......... SUCCESS
************ 5-Warning D520.2 DHCP Attempt# 1 BkOff: 5s Tot DSC:1 OFF:1 REQ:1 ACK:1
************ 7-Information D0.0 DHCP CM Net Configuration download and Time of Day
************ 7-Information T500.0 Acquired Upstream .......... SUCCESS // Cable modem establishes CAPS for upstream :)
************ 8-Debug T503.1 Acquire US with status OK, powerLevel 43, tempSid 792
************ 8-Debug T505.0 Acquired Upstream with status OK // Cable modem verifies upstream with main server
************ 7-Information T501.0 Acquired Downstream (639000000 Hz)........ SUCCESS //Now the downstream Caps ARE SET!! WOOHOO!!:7
************ 8-Debug T509.0 Acquired DS with status OK, DS Freq 639000000, US Id 2 // Cable modem verifies downstream with main server



Acquire Downstream Channel : Done
Obtain Upstream Parameters : Done
Establish IP Connectivity using DHCP : Done
Establish Time Of Day : Failed
Transfer Operational Parameters through TFTP : Done
Register Connection : Done
Initialize Baseline Privacy : Done
Cable Modem Status : Operational


Here is a cable modems actions after a boot
1. Power check and stabalize
2. Contact Server
3. Server (ATTBI is all i can verify) checks MAC Address of Modem
4. Cable modem downloads settings and config file and other information neccasary to function.
5. Cable modem loads the settings, CAPS and other features offered in config file.
6. Cable modem establishes controlled connection with server.
7. Once both agree that the connections are correct and settings are nice and neat, Its free to rome the internet.

Finally, while it is true that a cable modem CAN NOT BE UNCAPPED, Caps on a cable modem can be RAISED. This is what my dad will not let me do. }>

I hope this clears up some things. If you have any further questions I'll be happy to try and address them to the best of my ability.

214187, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by rocketrobbie, Sun Apr-20-03 02:20 PM
Holy Shit Shelly. WinBob don't like you; Zakbob don't like you.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm not a Bob, I'm a Robbie and I like you. :+ }> ;)

214188, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Billy_Black, Sun Apr-20-03 06:40 PM
Oh I'm sure the list is a wee bit larger than that.}>
214189, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ablib, Sun Apr-20-03 07:51 PM
wow good post, that seemed more in tune to the information that I was aware of when it comes to cable modems.
214190, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ZakBob, Sun Apr-20-03 08:22 PM

My post is not a question of liking Shelly or Disliking Shelly, or even questioning his intelligence. My post was aimed to clarify and/or correct misinformation from previous posts in the thread.
The fact that some of you will now dislike me based on my corrections of Shelly is atrocious behavior on your part. If I had corrected something OTHER than Shelly's Erroneous posts I would not have gotten a response like rocketrobbie's.

Pull your heads out of Shelly's ASS.

214191, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ablib, Sun Apr-20-03 08:52 PM
it's ok zakbob sometimes life is full of schmoozers, which isn't bad.:)
214192, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Crockett, Sun Apr-20-03 09:34 PM
>My post is not a question of liking Shelly or Disliking
>Shelly, or even questioning his intelligence. My post was
>aimed to clarify and/or correct misinformation from previous
>posts in the thread.

BillyBob, now that statement is the biggest load of B.S. I've ever seen. This was secondarily about clarifying things and primarily aimed at hatred for someone who stood up to being accused of improprieties by your dad. Only until then, was this thread a pleasant one.
Your dad might have thought Shelly was rude, but who wouldn't be if they were accused of such things.
I don't know who's statements of 'Facts" are right or wrong, but I do know that you were dead wrong in correcting someone that way, and then have the nerve to say it wasn't about disliking someone. Should I puke now?...LOL

Hey winbob, what else are you going to get your son to do for you?

Oh ya, forgive me for being rude also, but if you can dish it, then take it! :+

214193, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by winbob, Sun Apr-20-03 11:37 PM
Crockett, et al,

The fact that you attack the person, and not question or correct the technical points put forth by my son speaks for itself. This forum has become more about personalities and pecking order than it is about technical accuracy. Shelly's response to my son amounts to an,
"oh yeah".

I still stand by my initial statement that the way Shelly described HIS upload/download speeds would lead one to believe that he was refering to an "uncapped" environment. Since he corrected/clarified that description, I apologized for that misinterpretation on my part. The problem still remains that many folks still worship at the feet of / or are intimidated by several personalities on this Forum to the point of not challenging or questioning what they actually believe is mis-information.

That is not a healthy intellectual environment!

When I worked in IBM's National Technical Support Center, here in Dallas, I had the HONOR of working with one of the greatest technical minds I have ever met. What made him even greater was that he had not shut his mind to input, suggestion, or criticism from other sources. Over the years I had the opportunity to correct a few of his mis-statements before and after they went public...and he was always greatful, and always courteous. What a pleasure to deal with.

If anyone ever suggested he was in error and indeed he was not, he turned that into a positive learning experience that benefited everyone. Indeed a VERY intelligent man, and a gentleman. I sincerely miss that individual.

I doubt that anything I have said here or earlier in this thread will be absorbed or taken to heart by those who could benefit most, but I feel better for having said it. I'm also proud that my son has advanced his knowledge of PC's and Communications to this current level. He was once the youngest regular contributor to this forum...until he was personally attacked by the 'gracious' folks here. Unfortunately I couldn't convince him it was worth sticking around this site in spite of the over inflated few, but he HAS continued to learn.

Finally, crockett as to your remark:

"Hey winbob, what else are you going to get your son to do for you?
Oh ya, forgive me for being rude also, but if you can dish it, then take it!"

At the risk of being inflamatory, you are an ignorant coward.


214194, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Crockett, Mon Apr-21-03 05:09 AM
>The fact that you attack the person, and not question or
>correct the technical points put forth by my son speaks for
I'm not questioning the technical points because this is not about the technical points. It's all about you jumping on someone and making accusions. It's about your son lying about responding not out of dislike.
There are ways to tell people that your "technical information" is correct without making a mockery out of it.

>At the risk of being inflamatory, you are an ignorant

How am I a coward? If you don't think I would say this to your face, well you do not know me.
Now if you want, you can really, truly, have the last word....and I'm sure you will.( 2 posts ago)

Not only are you rude , but you're a liar too.


214195, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by winbob, Mon Apr-21-03 07:25 AM

The reason you are an ignorant coward is because you make statements like:

"Not only are you rude , but you're a liar too."

I think you'd be hard pressed to find anything I said (unprovoked) as rude, or cause for being called a liar....but what amazes me is that while you think that I was a terrible person for misunderstanding Shelly's unclear statement and suggesting that uncapping was not appropriate (and offering an apology on his clarification)...YOU can rather indescriminately call me a Shelly's defense(?).

I guess you make one set of rules of courtesy for you and a second set for everyone else. But never fear, no matter what vile B.S. you spew from here on out...I won't waste the electrons in responding to YOU.


214196, Here's Courtesy for ya.
Posted by rocketrobbie, Mon Apr-21-03 07:31 AM
Pull my head out of Shelly's ass??
Why don't you put your Dad's c#ck back in your mouth and shut the hell up.

Actually, Winbob and Zakbob are the same person. You know Winbob, it's not very cool pretending you have a son and then having that same "son" come to your rescue when you insult people and then when they defend themselves you take offence to it. You definitely need to learn to read because if you look back at the posts you'll see that you started this whole tirade when you threw the first insult; and for someone who ends his posts with "I'll let you have the last word" you sure don't know how to follow your own advice.

oh, if you take offence to what I said above, to hell with ya. Just like your "dad", you threw the first stone so be prepared to have people defend themselves.
214197, RE: Here's Courtesy for ya.
Posted by Grogan, Mon Apr-21-03 07:51 AM
Cripes... you assholes are almost as bad as me :+

Everyone has had their say with respect to the topic of discussion, so please just forgive each other for the outbursts and move on. This sort of thing happens from time to time.

This thread will now be locked, seeing as this is the Computer Forum and all, where we prefer to avoid this sort of thing. Tell you what though, you can start a "why you sonofagunofa..." thread in Off Topic Lounge if you feel you need to hash this out further :-)
214198, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Sun Apr-20-03 10:07 PM
Almost anyone who actually uses cable will know that much of that is nonsense. It says that I can not exceed a fixed speed on my cable. I do it every day. It says that the tweaks have no effect, I have installed them on many computers and in every case they resulted in anywhere from a 25% to a 200% speed increase.

And they say that Baghdad Bob is dead! :P
214199, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by winbob, Mon Apr-21-03 12:03 AM

Oh my G-d, the emperor has no clothes!!!!!

214200, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ablib, Mon Apr-21-03 12:09 AM
How many times are you actually going to have the last word WinBob?
214201, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Mon Apr-21-03 12:17 AM
Here is a little reading for you from people who don't "have their head up my ass" as you put it.,,sid14_gci211726,00.html
214202, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Shelly, Thu May-22-03 01:50 AM
My current speed as of five minutes ago measured on Numion. They capped the hell out of me. :7
214204, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by Billy_Black, Thu May-22-03 01:50 AM
>My current speed as of five minutes ago measured on Numion.

I can remember a while back you chewed someone out who suggested sites like this to check actual speed. You claimed that these sites were anything but real world tests.

Here's mine (SBC/Yahoo DSL, 768 package).

214211, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by ZakBob, Mon Apr-21-03 12:19 AM

Once again I find insults being thrown for offering my advice, i notice how the site logo doesnt mention "friendly" anymore.

By the way i offered to post, my dad did not "get me" to.

Shelly: "Almost anyone who actually uses cable will know that much of that is nonsense. It says that I can not exceed a fixed speed on my cable. "
Anyone who uses cable knows there are CAPS, If you exceed your cap, GREAT!!! You are one of the lucky few. BUT I tell you from experience that most of the cable users in the US are not getting much higher than their caps specify.
The fastest cable in the US is OptonLine, which is offered in the New York/New jersey area, and It is capped at 10Mbit/1Mbit, Most users do not download more than 6Mbit. Most people will verify that if they have Comcast or ATTBI (Now merged with COMCAST!) they do not receive much more then their specified cap.

Shelly: "I have installed them on many computers and in every case they resulted in anywhere from a 25% to a 200% speed increase."
What was the speed before? I bet it wasnt what they advertise or even near? Maybe you applied the patch and got what you should've had all along. But it didn't modify the caps. Like i posted before.

214212, RE: DSL VS CABLE ?
Posted by SuperCzar, Mon Apr-21-03 05:31 AM
Ok... wait... correct me if im wrong but a cap is a definite limitation. how could a cap be exceeded, except through tweaking?

Why would someone cap if it werent meant to work... and how would one software cap be less effective than another, if they come standardized (so as to not confuse the unknown modem) through the same channels.

Mind you, i dont have cable, so i cant check on my comp.... but id like to hear the answers to my questions