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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: lockergnome sinking to a new low?
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2869, RE: lockergnome sinking to a new low?
Posted by Backward Bob, Wed Dec-19-01 04:26 AM
I got into severe trouble trying to be cute with my:

What do you call a pretty girl at 911? Answer: Visitor

and the statement:

Coming to 911 to find a girl is just like going to a wrecking yard to find a car.

I sincerely apologize to all the persons I offended trying to be cute and do ask for your forgiveness.

I have missed you guys and have been afraid to post now for over a month; not wanting to eat my words.

I gave my daughter in Amarillo, Texas, hell for dope smoking and drugs. She told me she was alway going to be a hippy and smoke pot. I was always critical and pointing fingers, very seldom offering any good suggestions. I do wish I could take that all back too but I can not. I buried her last Friday. She was reaching for help but could not get it. She shot herself in the head.

I am 66 years old and it seems like I never learn.

Thanks for not booting me off and allowing me to post.