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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectMS Antispyware Removal
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347064, MS Antispyware Removal
Posted by _Chewy_, Tue Jan-25-05 01:17 AM
I have a question about the MS antispyware removal tool formerly known as Giant. I downloaded the beta version the other night and tried to isntall it on my system but it refused to proceed stating that it needs IE 6.0 or greater installed on the system.

Right now I have 5.5 (SP2) and have no desire whatsoever to upgrade to 6.0 as 5.5 has been doing rock solidy steady for me many years now. Question: do all versions of Giant have this IE 6.0 requirement or was the change made when MS bought out Giant? I'd like to know of a site where i can D/L an older copy of Giant.