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464586, Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Sat Oct-20-07 07:13 AM
I'm no expert on Linus, but in a few hours that I have been playing with it, it is very, very impressive. The desktop is beautiful. Even the fonts show up well.

Grogan, you might even like this one!

The installation is so smooth, I had to do nothing other than provide my name, etc. The moment my desktop shows up, I got an instant connection to the internet! Two of my printers, HP and Canon, both show up and I test print it and it works!

If this smoothness continues - as I expect - I would move on to Ubuntu without looking back at XP or Vista! Some of my favorite software may not work in Ubuntu, that's one concern. I'll check it it out, but so far, the basics are all in place. (go to "News" for a writeup and read "Windows Vista Killers: Ubuntu 7.10 ..."
464588, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Grogan, Sat Oct-20-07 08:19 AM
Glad you had good luck with this one, Wes. I hope you enjoy it.

However, no, Ubuntu isn't for me. I like things a certain way, and that ain't it :-)
464649, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by jasonlevine, Sun Oct-21-07 02:33 AM
I've used Ubuntu before in a virtual machine and have always felt that it was very close to being a Windows replacement. In fact, if Microsoft doesn't get their act together soon, my next computer might skip Vista and go right to Ubuntu. I plan on getting 7.10 onto a virtual machine to play with soon.
464689, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Sun Oct-21-07 07:34 PM
Hope you report back on your experience.
I don't think I'm out of my mind, it is just a lot, a lot faster than my XP. The move is swift and seamless. I'm still awed.
464693, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Chickenman, Sun Oct-21-07 08:49 PM
My old computer is going to get Ubuntu 7.10 installed. XP will be switched to my new computer for the time being. How does Ubuntu handle games that are made for Windows 9x\XP? IE: Racing Sims and things like UT?
464697, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Sun Oct-21-07 11:05 PM
I'm sorry, I'm not a gamer. But I saw packages of games available for installation.
464698, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Mon Oct-22-07 12:44 AM
Now I have a a problem if anyone can help me.

In XP when I'm on a website, I "print" articles, selecting Acrobat Pro. as my printer. No hard copy is printed; it goes to the hard drive saved as pdf file, which I can print as hard copy if I choose to.

I want to do the same in Ubuntu but have been unable to do so. Pdf file is supposed to be a default file in Ubuntu, but I've failed to figure out how to do it. check several books, googling, still get no where.

Any suggestions? thanks.
464699, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Mon Oct-22-07 01:12 AM
Now I have a a problem if anyone can help me.

In XP when I'm on a website, I "print" articles, selecting Acrobat Pro. as my printer. No hard copy is printed; it goes to the hard drive saved as pdf file, which I can print as hard copy if I choose to.

I want to do the same in Ubuntu but have been unable to do so. Pdf file is supposed to be a default file in Ubuntu, but I've failed to figure out how to do it. check several books, googling, still get no where.

Any suggestions? thanks.

Possibly will work in the newer version? Read these.

Also for other things, if you didn't know, if you are editing documents with Openoffice, there is an export directly to PDF icon in the toolbar.
464700, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Mon Oct-22-07 01:18 AM
My old computer is going to get Ubuntu 7.10 installed. XP will be switched to my new computer for the time being. How does Ubuntu handle games that are made for Windows 9x\XP? IE: Racing Sims and things like UT?

Games are a little tricky. They work well if made for Linux, but games for Windows may not install or work, or may work, but will need some work to get them installed.

For straight linux games, FPS to try are Sauerbraten and Nexuiz (both can be online multiplayer, decent graphics).

Otherwise, some Googling may be in order. I'd think searching for the name of the game you want to try, along with linux, and possibly something like the word "install", or along that line. Some games have a step by step.

Another tool, not free, but it may get more games to work, is Cedega, possibly, but I've never tried it.
464705, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Mon Oct-22-07 02:54 AM
thank you again for coming to my aid.
That's what I was looking for. From the reference you gave,
I followed the discussion on the forum. One of them pointed out
that you don't need any software at all to create pdf file, simply
by check off the box to have print as file! I try it and it works. Except that the quality is below Adobe Acrobat 8, which I'm to miss

Your tip on the Open Office is helpful, too.

Appreciate all your help. Glad you sign in tonight!!1

464707, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Chickenman, Mon Oct-22-07 03:28 AM
thank you again for coming to my aid.
That's what I was looking for. From the reference you gave,
I followed the discussion on the forum. One of them pointed out
that you don't need any software at all to create pdf file, simply
by check off the box to have print as file! I try it and it works. Except that the quality is below Adobe Acrobat 8, which I'm to miss

Your tip on the Open Office is helpful, too.

Appreciate all your help. Glad you sign in tonight!!1


Then why don't you install Adode Acrobat 8.11 for Linux. There is a distro.

Choose Linux X86 (.deb) :

FoxIt also has a version for Linux.

464708, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Mon Oct-22-07 03:56 AM
Thanks for the info Chickenman.
I did not know Acrobat has a Linux version!
I will do that.
464712, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Ed, Mon Oct-22-07 10:58 AM
I recently applied for and received the free CD Rom for Ubuntu. I have and old computer with Win2K as the OS. Can I install Ubuntu on that and dual boot with win2K?


464713, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Chickenman, Mon Oct-22-07 12:00 PM
I recently applied for and received the free CD Rom for Ubuntu. I have and old computer with Win2K as the OS. Can I install Ubuntu on that and dual boot with win2K?


464727, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Ed, Mon Oct-22-07 02:32 PM
Any special commands or things I have to do or do I just run my ubuntu CD and will I get an option during the install to dual boot?


464729, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Mon Oct-22-07 02:39 PM
Chickenman is right. You can dual boot.
I'm dual booting with XP. Just be sure that XP or W2K is installed first.

This distro is so smooth, seamless and fast. I've 2 computers, side by side, Linux is dual boot on a newer machine; th older machine has XP only Even when I boot into XP on the newer machine, it is still slower than Ubuntu.

If only I can work out a few more things, I would be wedded to Ubuntu all day!

I installed the pdf file, etc., but I think something is not quite right, so I want to uninstall it and then reinstall. But I cannot find the program listed anywhere. Nothing under Applications, Places, or System, etc.

Can anyone help? (Go slow, now; I'm still learning. Grogan wants me to give up XP and move on to Linux. I'm getting there, Grogan!!)

Oooh: one more question. There is no firewall, antispyware, or antivirus programs installed on Linux - unless they were installed by default. Am right on that?

464730, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Ed, Mon Oct-22-07 03:15 PM
Thanks, I will give it a try. The instructions on the CD folder sez "The default installation will erase all existing software and data from your compter. If this is not what you want, follow the instructions carefully during installattion. I assume I will get an option to dual boot before the actual install. I know absolutely zero about linux and even less about Ubuntu.


464751, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Horatio, Mon Oct-22-07 09:48 PM
Where are you going to install Ubuntu. Do you have any free space (unallocated) on a hard drive? You must have somewhere other than you W2K partition to install Ubuntu if you want to keep Windows.

464756, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Mon Oct-22-07 11:54 PM
Thanks, I will give it a try. The instructions on the CD folder sez "The default installation will erase all existing software and data from your compter. If this is not what you want, follow the instructions carefully during installattion. I assume I will get an option to dual boot before the actual install. I know absolutely zero about linux and even less about Ubuntu.


First, back up all your data very well. Then defragment your drive in Windows, and see how much free space you have to work with, you want to leave a fair amount for windows. When you restart your computer with the disk in and start the installer, there should be a "resize" existing option I think. That should work, but it could also ...not.... The best way to do it is to make three new partitions for your new install, 1GB swap or so(Grogan's right, that is more than enough), 8GB or so for the / to be pretty much safe, and the rest for /home , as much as possible because that's where you save files. If you haven't been messing with the livecd in any computer, just boot with that to get a look at what it looks like before you install it, when you get your cd drive going.

464732, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Grogan, Mon Oct-22-07 03:30 PM
I installed the pdf file, etc., but I think something is not quite right, so I want to uninstall it and then reinstall. But I cannot find the program listed anywhere. Nothing under Applications, Places, or System, etc.

Can anyone help? (Go slow, now; I'm still learning. Grogan wants me to give up XP and move on to Linux. I'm getting there, Grogan!!)

Nowhere did I say that. I think you should be dual booting.

Btw... you don't actually need adobe acrobat reader (and that's not going to help you create PDF files... it's only the reader). You've probably got PDF viewers.

I don't know where it installed, probably to /usr/local/bin.

Try opening a terminal and typing "acroread". (which is what the wrapper script to launch the program used to be called, anyway).

You probably just need to create a shortcut to it if you want to launch it from an icon.

Note that if you were using KDE, this PDF stuff would be seamless. You'd have kpdf for viewing, and in any KDE app, you'd have a print to PDF choice in the print dialogs.
464739, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Ed, Mon Oct-22-07 06:41 PM
OK. Thanks. I haven't used that computer for quite a while and after booting up it has a problem finding the CD Rom drive so I have to straighten that out first before I can install the Ubuntu. Not sure I will get to it today, but will let you know how it goes.


464743, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Mon Oct-22-07 08:20 PM
Thanks Grogan.

Okay, I finally locate it. No software installation is needed even though I ended up instilling a file called "pdf" and it shows up in the printer. But not sure what good it does, because I got the same result without it.

In the printing process, there is a little box for "print to file." All that is needed to to simply check off that box!!!

Previously I had been playing around and did install GenericPDF (or something like that). I removed it after my reading because I could not find anybody referring to it. That was a mistake; now I don't know how to reinstall it. Cannot find it. During that installation, it created a PDF folder in my Home Folder and automatically it saved the files there. Now I've to select the PDF folder to get there.

You are right on Acrobat. In Windows XP I was using Adobe Acrobat Professional 8 (which creates and views pdf files). There is no Linux version of such program.

I know from your postings you prefer KDE over GNOME. I'm trying to get use to one version, and I can experiment with KDE. (In Ubuntu you can install both. They "borrow" KDE from Kubuntu.

I do need answer, though, to the question: what about all the defensive and protective software like anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, etc. What roles do they play in Linux, if any?


There are 2 KDE - one KDE, one KDE (mutiverse)
Any advise as to which is a better one to use?
464753, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Grogan, Mon Oct-22-07 10:13 PM

I do need answer, though, to the question: what about all the defensive and protective software like anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, etc. What roles do they play in Linux, if any?

No, you don't need any junk like that in Linux.
465147, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Sid, Sat Oct-27-07 12:44 AM

*** No, you don't need any junk like that in Linux. ***

Even more reason to give Linux a shot. But, to be clear, are NO safeguards needed in Linux? And, is that simply because this OS is not yet attracting the attention of nogoodnik troublemakers?

Grogan, do you know of, and recommend, a comprehensive guide to Linux versions and apps? I've loaded the LiveCD of Ubunto and was astounded at what it could do right off with no work on my part. On the other hand, I ran the LiveCd for PCLinux and found it foreign and confusing---couldn't get anywhere with it because of its strange (to me as a Windows user) terminology and references.
465379, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by basa48, Mon Oct-29-07 08:57 PM
Even more reason to give Linux a shot. But, to be clear, are NO safeguards needed in Linux? And, is that simply because this OS is not yet attracting the attention of nogoodnik troublemakers?

Grogan, do you know of, and recommend, a comprehensive guide to Linux versions and apps? I've loaded the LiveCD of Ubunto and was astounded at what it could do right off with no work on my part. On the other hand, I ran the LiveCd for PCLinux and found it foreign and confusing---couldn't get anywhere with it because of its strange (to me as a Windows user) terminology and references.

I'm not sure if Linux is inherently safer or just that it is not in the cross hairs of the 'nogoodniks'.

I have tried previous versions of Ubuntu and PCLOS and couldn't get on with them at all. As you say far too foreign and confusing. I gave up both times after not too much effort, thinking that using a computer should be fun not a struggle to understand and follow the strange language and commands just to change say a display setting.

Then I came across Ubuntu 7.10. This distro threatened to change my mind.

It installed faultlessly and seamlessly, even loading sound, graphics and ethernet drivers. I installed Opera easier than in XP.

.............But then the fun stopped.

I tried to change the boot order in the GRUB loader and Googled for solutions. This involved starting the Terminal. OK except the Terminal was just a blank white rectangle with no menu and I couldn't type a letter in it !!

Tried to install Frostwire. The .deb file installed OK (it said) but the resultant shortcut refuses to do anything, not even an error message. Tried to alter the display settings, whereupon Ubuntu told me I need to install nVidia drivers. OK it installed them for me, but ever since I'm getting the display all different sizes or slewed to one side and now my 'close / minimise / restore' icons are missing !!

So enough is enough .. I just don't need to wrestle with an OS to get it to work the way I like. I should be enjoying my PC experience, not trying to figure out how to do straightforward tasks.

This was my third (and final) attempt to get to grips with Linux. Unfortunately that makes me sad :-(
464758, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Tue Oct-23-07 12:11 AM
How to install KDE in Ubuntu

If you "like" Gnome, there is no problem just using it, it's basically just personal preference.

Sorry the pdf quality isn't as good, haven't used that myself that way, does it make any difference either selecting the print to file, or selecting the pdf printer instead, are they both about the same? I have used the pdf option in Openoffice a little, it seemed to be decent quality. If you had something important to save "nice", maybe you could save the entire html page, and then open it with Openoffice, then PDF it, and see how the quality is. I don't know, just a thought.

You can set up a firewall if you want to, but if you are behind a router you really don't need to. I used to use Firestarter, I don't think it's being developed anymore, but I think it's still available. You just run it, set it. You don't need to run it after that, the settings are applied at startup. I now use Shorewall, mainly because they are what's included in what I use. I've also used Guarddog (I think).

Linux is not affected by Spyware or Viruses, basically. There are antivirus apps you can install, but you only use them if you are sharing files with a Windows computer. If you download something with a virus in it, Linux will not see the virus, so if you pass that file on, you will be passing the virus too. But it won't harm the Linux computer at all, and unless you move it to your Windows partition, it won't do anything to that either.
464759, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Grogan, Tue Oct-23-07 12:14 AM

"multiverse" component

The "multiverse" component contains software that is "not free", which means the licensing requirements of this software do not meet the Ubuntu "main" Component Licence Policy.

The onus is on you to verify your rights to use this software and comply with the licensing terms of the copyright holder.

This software is not supported and usually cannot be fixed or updated. Use it at your own risk.

I'm not sure what that means with respect to KDE (perhaps there are some non-free libraries linked in?) but if I were you I'd stick with the KDE that's provided in the Main respository.

Btw... it's not that I'm a big KDE fan, I just hate it less than Gnome. I do think KDE is more functional though. Personally, I use XFCE4 as my desktop, but I have KDE because I like some of the apps.
464778, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Tue Oct-23-07 03:48 AM
Thanks, Al and Grogan. Your explanation always clarifies things for me. I appreciate your help.

I'll play with Gnome for a few more days and after coming back from a Connecticut trip, I'm going to be off to Botswania on an African safari, "shooting" the animals. (With a Nixon, not a rifle!) I'll install KDE after that.

No, I'm going to forget about the antivirus stuff!

Al, on the pdf file, the print is not as good, especially when it is printed in color. If it is in black and white, it is okay. Also, the Adobe Acrobat Pro font is very good, more polished and refined. The main thing, though, I can save as pdf and what is important. Thanks for your help on that, Al.

Today, I was entirely in Ubuntu. Did not use XP at all. I did have problem with music. Just could not get the sound, etc. I worked at it and finally managed to get 3 media players to play music - Beep, Listen and VLC. Since I use VLC a lot, that's great. I like Beep, too.



Mike, why not give it a try? It is a liveCD unless you choose to install it on the hard drive.
464808, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Horatio, Tue Oct-23-07 01:59 PM
Maybe I will Wes, not that happy with Mandriva, just sort of waiting until PCLinux next version comes out.

Have a good trip and maybe you can share your photos with us when you get back.
I've made several trips to Africa (East and West), you are in for something different.
464814, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Tue Oct-23-07 03:23 PM
Thanks, Mike.
If I get some good shots and know how to post it here, I will.
It maybe too mundane and uneventful - my fear.

This version of Ubuntu - Gutsy - is quite different from previous version. I just happened to be on Softpedia website and notice its release minutes earlier. So I gave it a try and I was surprised at the ease and seamless smoothness.

Do let me know on the upcoming PCLinux. I've another machine that can easily dual boot there, too.
464861, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Tue Oct-23-07 09:52 PM
not that happy with Mandriva

I let enough of my 30 day usage go off so that I could download it too. It certainly isn't PCLOS, not bad, just not great. The software installer/updater isn't up to Synaptic, it's much slower on my system and takes more processor to run it. Also I have one random crash every other boot or so on loading the desktop (compiz related though). I don't care for the default install, the kernel they choose only supports about 800 something megs of ram, so a person needs to go in and install a different kernel to fix that. It's also fast, but doesn't seem to run as smooth.

and know how to post it here, I will.

There are several photo hosting sites, but I've been using this one. Not just for photos. It has been flaky, once, but it's free, has several options and gives you a lot of room to upload stuff. You can also link directly to the files, no ads. You won't want to put that many directly on here, for people that don't have broadband.

Have fun.

464972, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Wed Oct-24-07 10:54 PM
EDIT expired on previous post, so I deleted the image so that this thread would be a little more "normal" width.
464884, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Wed Oct-24-07 02:40 AM

You're resourceful. Thanks for the link.

I posted some Orchid photos, but how do other people access them?

At one point it says, give this URL to your friends:

I went to the second PC and try to log in. It says I cannot unless I sign up with them! Please advise.

Also, your photo blocks the reply button; so I am not sure where I will end up with this post.


464885, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Grogan, Wed Oct-24-07 03:15 AM
His image does not block the reply button, it's just that you will have to scroll horizontally to the right for some distance before you'll see it at the bottom right of the post. It's there for me.

Now, I don't know anything about that service, but is it possible that you have a viewing permission setting on the items that you can change? You may have it set as "private" or similar wording.
464891, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Wed Oct-24-07 04:21 AM
Thanks, Grogan. As always, you keep educating me!!!

I use different computer to test the access, several times. It did not work. After your comments, I locate it the direction under "share it with your friends"!

Here is the link - which you already know.

Click "View All" > Orchids > you can see each individually or click "Slideshow"
464892, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Horatio, Wed Oct-24-07 04:43 AM
Wes, I think it is not set up for public viewing.

I get: "drteo66 does not have any public folders."
464893, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Wed Oct-24-07 05:56 AM
Sorry, Mike.
The site needs some help.

Here is another try:

It should work. Let me know.

464910, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Wed Oct-24-07 12:23 PM
Something is screwy with the permissions yet, there are a few options you can use when you make a new folder, and a few different ways to link to the files, they do the formatting for you. Takes some playing, but it seems to work most of the time, for me anyway.

464935, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Wed Oct-24-07 04:36 PM
Thanks, Al. Mike, Grogan, etc

I hope this experiment works. Here is another try, after following your directions, and Grogan's.

There should be two folders that you can use Slideshow to see:

More Flowers
464970, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Wed Oct-24-07 10:52 PM
It looks like you're getting it, the pictures look very nice. Hopefully the site stays up, I always wonder about free ones....

One other thought you could use to check if it's working instead of going to another computer, I don't know if Ubuntu has a second web browser installed initially. If it doesn't you should be able to install Opera, doesn't share the cookies so as long as you don't log in with Opera it should look like it does for everyone else.
464944, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Vijay, Wed Oct-24-07 06:46 PM
I have had problems with Linux distro and an NVidea Chipset mobo in the past.

Does this distro work with NVidea chipsets?


464945, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Wed Oct-24-07 06:52 PM
In my case, it works very smoothly and it is fast. When it is installed, it goes in as liveCD, and if you like it, then you can install on HD. Nothing is loaded initially, so you know ahead whether you like the feel of it.
464969, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Wed Oct-24-07 10:44 PM
Does this distro work with NVidea chipsets?

Yes. These work with what's in my sig. Ubuntu/Kubuntu (although haven't tried the latest yet, I know they will work, 7.04 does), Sabayon, Mepis (also haven't tried the latest), PCLOS, and Mandriva 2008.

DSL does not, didn't on my last one either but does on older ones. Haven't tried anything else lately. Possibly something Slackware type in the future, I don't know, BSD type for sure as well. If I could download all I wanted I would try more.
464974, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Wed Oct-24-07 11:40 PM

I tried the following link in my other computer. It works there.
Can you test it out? Thanks.

(I had one crash, but nothing disastrous, just has to start all over again.)

There should be two folders that you can use Slideshow to see:

More Flowers

464981, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Thu Oct-25-07 12:40 AM
I'm afraid on mine it only shows "More Flowers", unless I'm missing something, which is quite possible. If you click on my files in the top bar, you can select each folder individually. From there you can click "edit" above the selected file actions drop down box, to the right of the folder name, to check the viewing options/permissions. Or you can try just sharing the one folder by clicking the "share this folder" link on the left to get the link.

I probably need to get back outside to check things, so I'll probably shut down for the night. Good luck.
464975, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by JP, Wed Oct-24-07 11:42 PM
Is anybody else having trouble getting a reply email from the registration process with ShipIt for the CD? I have tried using two email accounts and I'm not receiving anything from them in either one.
464982, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by 1one1, Thu Oct-25-07 12:46 AM
I ordered a couple to have on hand. I never got a confirmation either. If you go back into shipit and login to request another one, just to that page where you would fill out the form, it should say at the top the status of your current request.
464985, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by JP, Thu Oct-25-07 01:21 AM
That was not my problem, I simply could not create an account in the first place because I didn't get the email when I submitted and address.

It's mysteriously fixed now. The last time that I tried, it told me that someone already had my user name (I had registered before with that email address, years ago). I was then able to enter my password and proceed from there.
465083, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by Vijay, Fri Oct-26-07 06:18 AM
Downloaded it and am planning to install it on a Sata drive (almost new) any things I have to watch out for?
