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Topic subject Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
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540219, Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by jmc, Sun Feb-05-12 07:27 PM
There have been reports during the week that the button, which has been a standard on every Windows edition since at least 95, will be gone, and Thurrott says his "internal sources" within Microsoft have confirmed the move.

If I am not mistaken it will still be there but you just won't see it.
Why would that be a good thing?
540222, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by JP, Sun Feb-05-12 08:14 PM
I don't have a start button on this iPad.
540223, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by jmc, Sun Feb-05-12 08:21 PM
I never use mine to start programs for the most part. I will grab a
shortcut from it sometimes and that is about it.
540234, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Shelly, Mon Feb-06-12 05:35 PM
So do you have your desktop plastered with program icons? I would prefer a Start button or All Programs button to that! Its nothing more nor less than an alphabetical table of contents.
540237, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by jmc, Mon Feb-06-12 06:14 PM
I make custom folders labeled with what is in it and put them in the quick launch and to the left side of my screen. This works nice on all
versions of Windows. For Win 7 there is a tweak to bring back the old
quick launch. I use that on 7 as shown below.

540264, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by FrankST, Thu Feb-09-12 11:44 PM
Interesting to note your computer has a problem. See your desktop, bottom right,Action Centre, red flag.Usually a internet security problem.
540265, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Thu Feb-09-12 11:49 PM
QUOTE:Interesting to note your computer has a problem. See your desktop, bottom right,Action Centre, red flag.Usually a internet security problem.

I think you'd better get your eyes checked. There's no Action Center indicator there. Just Avira, Volume Control, Safely Remove Hardware, and Network.
540284, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by FrankST, Sat Feb-11-12 12:25 AM
No problem with my eyes,there are 6 symbols, from left to right,
Avira, Audio Manager, Safely Remove Hardware, Network, Speakers Volume, Action Center. Only mentioned it in that I recently had a series of problems with an Internet Security programme which kept showing up with a red flag on the Action centre symbol.
540287, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Sat Feb-11-12 01:26 AM
:lol: Ooops, it would help if I scrolled to the right. :+ Yep, there's that darn Action Center showing a problem ;)

edit: You know what? I'm going to blame it on Mike for posting such a large image :lol:
540275, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Wakko, Fri Feb-10-12 02:13 PM
My Windows 7 desktop... 0 icons. Its a folder off of the task bar. I hate this cluttered screen from windows 8.

MS = Fail with Windows 8 IMHO
540276, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Wakko, Fri Feb-10-12 02:13 PM
Kept getting errors posting... didn't realize it would multipost.
540224, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Jazzgirl, Sun Feb-05-12 09:05 PM
Funny I was thinking the same thing about my iPad. I don't have a start button and both of my other computers are Windows 7. It would be easy to adjust.
540226, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by PlainJoe, Sun Feb-05-12 11:12 PM
I like the start button.
but things have to change at some point.

It will be interesting to see Win 8
when it is ready for prime time.

540230, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Ed, Mon Feb-06-12 12:25 PM
I wont miss it because I probably wont be getting Windows 8. Icons sometimes mysteriously disappear and you can always get them back by right clicking on the start button, explore and find it again.
I use the start button a lot. You can get used to anything even if it requires jumping through a few more hoops.

540231, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Mon Feb-06-12 01:18 PM
QUOTE:I use the start button a lot.

Me too.
540233, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Les, Mon Feb-06-12 05:23 PM
Me use start button much time too.

540236, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Ethan, Mon Feb-06-12 06:12 PM
How can you turn the machine off without the START button? :+

540238, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by jmc, Mon Feb-06-12 06:19 PM
Very good question. It was PITA when I tried the Win8 developers
version. I am sure it will be easier with the real release.
540239, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Mon Feb-06-12 06:26 PM
Do you really want to know?

edit: Aw heck, I'll tell ya. This if you're not using a tablet with a touch screen. I would imagine that with a touch screen you'd simply tap the areas to achieve the same results.

Anyway, you start out with the screen looking like this:

As you see there is no "Start" button. But if you put your cursor down in the bottom left corner of the screen and you'll get a pop-up that looks like this:

Click on "Options" and on the right hand side you'll get this:

Click on "Power" to get this:

Then of course click on "Shut down". And there you go. So what do you think? Did they make it even less intuitive? I think so.

Oh, and all that happens if you click on "Start" in the 2nd image is it takes you to a desktop screen that is similar to Win7 or Vista. If you click on "Start" from that screen (you don't get any of the other options from there) it just takes you back to what is shown in the 1st image.
540266, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by PlainJoe, Fri Feb-10-12 12:28 AM
How can you turn the machine off without the START button? :+


You cant > so when your ready to shutdown you have
to throw your PC in the trash then buy a new one on
another day.

Im wondering when they will remove the windows from windows
540268, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Fri Feb-10-12 01:46 AM
QUOTE:Im wondering when they will remove the windows from windows

Actually, that's kind of what has happened in Windows 8. You can only have one thing at a time open on the screen. If you click on one of those big square boxes in the screen shots, that comes up. No resizing, no minimizing, no moving it around on your desktop (if you want to call it that), no side by side windows, etc.
540273, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Doc, Fri Feb-10-12 04:35 AM
Are they going back to the DOS model? One thing on the screen at a time. We've come full circle. :rolleyes:
540307, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by PlainJoe, Sat Feb-11-12 11:25 PM
QUOTE:Im wondering when they will remove the windows from windows

Actually, that's kind of what has happened in Windows 8. You can only have one thing at a time open on the screen. If you click on one of those big square boxes in the screen shots, that comes up. No resizing, no minimizing, no moving it around on your desktop (if you want to call it that), no side by side windows, etc.

That sucks! the best thing about windows is that you can have multiple
windows open

I really dont like the sound of where they want to take this win 8 thing
540270, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Pawlou, Fri Feb-10-12 03:18 AM
How can you turn the machine off without the START button? :+


Why shut a computer off ?
540272, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Fri Feb-10-12 04:05 AM
Sometimes you just have to. Kind of hard to replace or upgrade parts while it's on ;) Or maybe you're going away for an extended period of time.
540277, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Shelly, Fri Feb-10-12 02:53 PM
I think W8 was in part a program for a Windows smart phone OS, touch controlled. Nokia has just announced they will be using only a Windows OS on their smart phones. This is mainly a challenge of the dominance of the Google Android hegemony on smart phones other than Apple.
540278, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Fri Feb-10-12 05:49 PM
It most certainly is. And for tablets. They've actually state that. But it's also meant for desktops and laptops. They want to have a common OS for everything.
540279, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by Shelly, Fri Feb-10-12 08:37 PM
Yes but the system will differ according to the usage. All the crap we are hearing is based upon generalizations about a product that is still being developed.
540281, RE: Microsoft is removing the Start button from Windows 8.
Posted by MSU, Fri Feb-10-12 09:48 PM
Right again. I've not totally written it off yet. But I am very skeptical about it. As opposed to being excited about it as I've been for every other release. As I said in another thread, I'll certainly be testing the betas and release candidates. I actually want to like it, but we'll see.