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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: a message to everybody
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76200, RE: a message to everybody
Posted by JP, Sat May-11-02 12:35 AM
but if i see evidence that nobody wants our help, that this is becoming a burden, or an excercise in futility, or turns into a war field, or any other sign that we can't have fun anymore maintaining this site and helping people, then i will pull the plug - plain and simple.

This, in a nutshell (nuts removed) is what Alex's whole message is about, and why Grogan decided to quit. The whole reason all of us "regulars" are here is because it's fun. When it stops being fun, then there is no reason to continue.

C'mon, why do something you don't enjoy?

Over the years that I have been part of the online world I have seen online Forums and also dial-up BBS's (remember those?) fold because they were no longer fun for people who owned and ran them.

I know Alex, and he is not kidding!

What is your decision?