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Topic subjectRE: Payback is a Bitch
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31035, RE: Payback is a Bitch
Posted by Bob G, Sat Apr-26-03 09:44 AM
How much time have you spent training to conduct guerrilla warfare?

LOL, planning on an armed takeover of the US Al? Most of the guerrilla movements I'm aware of were opposed to the sitting government. I think that's sort of the definition of "guerrilla" in this context. Maybe that's what the strident pro-gun activists really mean when they say they need to protect themselves from the government - "protect" is a euphemism for overthrow if it doesn't suit them. Food for thought, thanks.

I've spent no time training in guerrilla warfare, but I did actually study it a bit in my youth for a major class paper. All I remember is it got me an A, and I put a lot more effort into it than I originally imagined (because it was more interesting than I thought it would be.) But mostly what I remember is the shockingly low number of active participants (as a percentage of the population) necessary for success if the combination of supportive and apathetic members of the society was high enough.

So what do you say? You me and Doc, we'll get some guys and take this joint over. You know the population is apathetic enough to get away with it. Then we can sit around and argue about how our new continuation will read.