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Topic subjectRE: Saddam wants a Duel
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473, RE: Saddam wants a Duel
Posted by casca, Sun Oct-06-02 07:58 AM
I not so sure I would want to walk on that soil, as sloppy as they as they are about sanitary, much less hazmat, added to their propensity to use it. Stir in one insane (Hitler, Stalin, Pol Phot, point made?) egomanical, meglomanic whose religon promotes killing in the name of god.

Nape, nape, nape, nape, nape. Nothing sterilize potentially contaminated soil than fire. We just start a 24 four a day sorties, use everything from cropdusters to Airforce 2.

With all the oil in Kuwait we should run out of nape is about 500 years or so.

No, I pray for those brave souls who go to fight what must be fought. IT's clear he will use CBT and nuke without qualms.