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Topic subjectRE: Introduce yourself, won't you please....
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64945, RE: Introduce yourself, won't you please....
Posted by Daylilydayzed, Sun Jul-11-04 01:05 AM
I picked my name for the flower I love, daylily. It is a play on words that I put to gether to describe the way the flowers make me feel when I see a seedling bloom from a cross that I did. It also tells how long the flower is open, one day for each and every bloom on every plant and there are some 35,000 registered named varieties of daylilies. Daylily folks are the best people! We have a saying that describes how we feel, "we come for the flowers but we stay for the people".Most of the hybridizers are willing to take a newcomer to daylilies and help them learn until they are competing with said hybridizer at shows and for sales.