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Topic subjectRE: Introduce yourself, won't you please....
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65109, RE: Introduce yourself, won't you please....
Posted by Yarddaawg, Mon Jul-12-04 03:17 AM
Twas back in 98 when I first got on the internet. Tried and tried to come up with a unique ID for Yahoo. Everything I tried was already taken so finally had to accept one I didn’t particularly like. Then one day I was at one of my son’s house and saw his rather large dog laying lazily out in the yard and thought “yarddog” would make a good moniker only to find that too was already in use. No problem – I thought – I’ll just change the spelling to the redneck vernacular “yarddawg”. Nope – already taken. So try “yarddaawg”. Ahh – success. So everywhere I go on the internet that requires an ID I use yarddaawg and haven’t found it to be in use anywhere as yet. :rolleyes: :clap: