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Topic subjectRE: Introduce yourself, won't you please....
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65113, RE: Introduce yourself, won't you please....
Posted by tpikdave, Mon Jul-12-04 03:55 AM
Pretty predictable. I quit smoking in 1988 and went the cinnamon stick, sunflower seed route till I drove my wife and co-workers batty with my "droppings". Then I discovered toothpicks. Round slender, smooth, sharply pointed old growth Fir toothpicks. I have had one in the corner of my mouth since 88. I am a connoisseur of toothpicks. Only the best toothpicks made from the rain forests of South America or the old growth fir stands of Oregon (my home state) and Washington, and British Columbia will do. Any other toothpick is inferior.

Sometimes when things get tough, and the good toothpicks are hard to find, I will go deep into the woods and chainsaw a 50' fir and then take the top 24 inches for tpik stock and make my own.

Oh yeah, did I mention I give a dollar to Greenpeace and Earth First every year!
