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Forum nameOff-Topic Lounge
Topic subjectRE: Where'd they go?
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96, RE: Where'd they go?
Posted by ChrisP, Thu Oct-03-02 06:23 PM
Actually, it has happened that a moderator has edited, locked, or removed a thread or post. However, it is not something that is taken lightly, and all attempts are made to be reasonable and fair in the exercise of power by moderators here.

Obviously, threads and/or posts dealing with certain issues will always be handled immediately when a moderator becomes aware of the problem. That's where you folks come in -- if you see a post that is clearly against the rules of the forum community here, click the "Alert" link at the bottom of the page. This will send an e-mail notification of the problem as described by you to all forum moderators. One of us will then look at the thread/post and determine whether or not to act on it.

Not all "alerted" post/threads will have action taken, but every "Alert" is looked into... :)