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Topic subjectRE: UK sailors captured at gunpoint
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127716, RE: UK sailors captured at gunpoint
Posted by Ed W., Sun Apr-01-07 03:54 PM
You know that, I know that, but the Iranians have a different version of the story. Sometimes you need to inject a little humor into a serious situation.

There is no way the US can sit back and not make comments on it. This is just what the Iranians have been planning to do for some time. They most likely would not do it to a US unit, but can drive a wedge between the US and the UK. This is their ideal situation. Look at the demonstrations today in Iran at the UK Embassy. Then backtrack to 1979 and the loss of our ally the Shaw. They will act when it is the correct time in their eyes and the eyes of their people.

They could care less for World opinion.