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Topic subjectRE: Resolution To Impeach VP Cheney Submitted
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129580, RE: Resolution To Impeach VP Cheney Submitted
Posted by DJC, Sun Apr-29-07 04:33 AM
You are placing Pako under a huge rock. A lot of Americans are there with Pako. Every one has their thoughts and views to call someone names that you do not share the same views with is totally idiotic.

As Americans we all have the right to our views and our soapbox. Those that want to use political correctness are in my opinion practicing censorship. Some not all liberal elitists believe in freedom of speech on the grounds it is free if you agree with with their point of view.

I wonder how many of those that are of the liberal elite would put their lives on the line for free speech? I know that I did for 23 years. I defended an Americans right to live and think how they please as stated in the Constitution of the United States. I am for free speech to read any book or piece of literature I so desire from Hustler to the Bible, States Rights, The seconded amendment concerning the right to bear arms. I do not think flag burning is correct (It Should be a States Right Issue) but since it is the law I will defend anyones rights to burn their own flag, do it in front of me on my property and you just might have problem. I will also defend the right of somebody to put a fire out.