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Forum nameOff-Topic Lounge
Topic subjectRE: The other side of the war
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29909, RE: The other side of the war
Posted by jenn, Tue Apr-15-03 12:34 AM
>You should never let any of our reponses affect you in such
>an adverse manner. Try to remember that even though you are
>having a heated discussion with fellow members, they are
>arguing with your username; you are still safe at home in
>front of your computer. God, 'lil Joe called me an ass
>today; no skin off my hiney. We are just two IP addresses
>passing in the night, so to speak. ;)
>EDIT: Also, you said that some of the replies to your posts
>you don't know how to respond to, either because they are
>vulgar or get off topic. Remember that every person that
>responds to your posting does not have to be answered. You
>have the choice to answer only those you feel comfortable
>with. There are some here that will take light hearted
>potshots at you and there are also a few that come across
>much more hostile. Remember, you have the final decision.

I wasn't referring to vulgarity, it's just that I wasn't sure if I should respond at all, etc. You answered the question though, thanks.