Electoral Map Electoral-Vote.com has daily polling map updates. They average the polls (from reputable sources meaning no hackable online polls or polls conducted b
Tim Kaine's Anti-Immigration Rant Oh, The Hypocrisy!...Video Surfaces of VP Candidate Kaine Touting Policies That According to He and Hillary Make Trump a Racist!
Here is a 2005 vi
China Now Runs the World, George Soros Says China Now Runs the World, Soros Says. Relegating the U.S. to second fiddle in both economic power and global influence
https:/ /wikileaks.org/gifil e
I'm now a published author! My first book is now available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle formats:
https:// www.amazon.com/Defen ders-Shadow-Light-Gh ost-Thief/dp/1534984 47X/
All is not lost with W10 I think most of you will relate to this post.
When I answered the phone, the caller identified himself as calling from the Microsoft Technical Dept
Hillary Clinton failed as secretary of state Hillary failed as secretary of state — why would president be any different?
http:/ /nypost.com/2016/09/ 27/hilllarys-time-at -state-really-was/
Trump Threatens To Sue Hillary So Trump has threatened to sue Hillary over her "nasty" ads. Of course, most of her ads are just Trump speaking - since he provides the best material
Deletion I deleted a Snyderman post because it again had no topic. He was warned about this practice yesterday. Any further such postings will also be delete
Laugh Her Off That is Nigel Farage’s latest advice for Trump for how he should respond to Hillary’s absurd and ridiculous accusations of his (!) alleged financial i
WOW! Even Corrupt MSM Seeing It! Joe Tears Into Hillary — ‘Get Off Your High Horse!’ … ‘Don’t Be Mad’ at Him for Following Rules
Morning Joe Defends Trump's Tax Conduct