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Message IDTopicAuthorLast updated date Replies
Just checking in to say hi!
Just realized it's been like 9 years since I last posted, which was just to check in... time flies. I'm sure some of the old timers remember me
Red SquirrelDec-27-18 10:03 PM
by bobbo
Merry Christmas To All !!!!!!!!!
...and to all, a good night. Dave
dtellierDec-25-18 08:45 PM
by DaDwarfs
Understanding Indoor Humidity
I hope this isn't too far off topic for the Off Topic Lounge.. I think my home is too dry in these winter months. I have two types of humidity gau
VanGuardDec-01-18 07:04 PM
by KJT
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US
Saw the previous post for the Canadian Thanksgiving and thought I would wish everyone in the US a Happy Thanksgiving!
TtechNov-25-18 12:13 PM
by FZbar
Happy Thanksgiving Day To All Canadians
You know who you are. Sorry, but those from the States will need to wait until next month. Dave
dtellierOct-10-18 12:50 AM
by dtellier
Outrageous Ticketmaster prices exposed ews/thenational/tick etmaster-recruits-pr os-for-secret-scalpe r-program-1.4830992 Their P.R. department will be working overtime
peterbSep-22-18 01:46 AM
by peterb
Negative effects of modern technology
It's pretty sad when an isolated Amazon tribe gets spooked out by a drone: https://ww logy/amazon-uncontac ted-tribe-drone-1.47 95
peterbSep-07-18 06:03 PM
by therube
Getting Rid of the PO Box
Years ago, when I first took over PC911 and we renamed it PCQandA, I opened a PO Box. The purpose of this was mainly to accept cash/check donations. I
jasonlevineAug-17-18 06:56 PM
by therube
Defenders of Shadow and Light: Ghost Thief
Hey, Jason how's Volume 2 coming? I googled but as you probably are aware, there are many Jason Levine's in this world. I didn't have time to go th
KJTAug-14-18 04:04 PM
by jasonlevine
And we think we're so advanced!
http://www.pcqanda.c om/dc/user_files2/28 287.jpg Jim.
KJTAug-14-18 03:53 PM
by jasonlevine
extensive scanning
So my Mum passed 16 months ago at 94. She still had her mind 100% and physically was pretty good. Fell down the basement stairs. She was an outstandin
randybedoreJul-07-18 02:44 PM
by nightlyreader
Annual PCQandA Fundraiser - Goal Reached
After counting the last donations, we've topped the fundraiser goal. We've raised over $425 in under a month. A big thank you to everyone who donated
jasonlevineJul-05-18 01:27 AM
by DaDwarfs
Annual PCQandA Fundraiser
Hi all, It's that time of year. Time for the Annual Fundraiser. As you may or may not know, a site such as PCQandA requires a bit of money to run.
jasonlevineJul-04-18 01:26 AM
by jasonlevine
Fun appearance by Paul McCartney on the James Corden Sh... com/watch?v=QjvzCTqk BDQ
peterbJun-24-18 11:27 AM
by KJT
As of this writing, the 3rd post down is from December of last year. Very sad. How is everyone?
ablibJun-09-18 05:31 AM
by ablib
Recently spotted this one car. Anyone know what it is?
Anyone know what kind of car this is? A plate near the rear tire reads "Repeal 18th Amendment." http: // /user_files2/28283.j pg
jasonlevineJun-04-18 03:48 PM
by jasonlevine
The "Hello" thread
How come it says there are currently 33 replies and the last post is May-29-18 10:39 AM by henry01 and yet when I go to the last page (4) the last pos
PcqandamanMay-29-18 07:13 PM
by jasonlevine
Pileated Stump
I've lived with pileated woodpeckers for decades. Really fun to see them flying around. Many years ago, they went after a several years old stump. The
Bob GMay-24-18 05:47 PM
by jasonlevine
Son's Retirement Picures
Here are a few pictures I took at My son's retirement ceremony My son is on the right in this photo. Daylilydayze d Daylilies are the Lord's smiles,
DaylilydayzedMay-21-18 02:36 AM
by Daylilydayzed
I got some sad news Wed.
Wednesday evening i was checking my emails and opened one from my daylily club's president. He said that one of our club members had passed away Tuesd
DaylilydayzedMay-16-18 03:58 AM
by bobbo
Computer Chair Recommendation
My wife needs a new computer chair. She sits at her computer for long periods of time. I would appreciate a recommendation. T hanks in advance
daniellMay-07-18 01:10 AM
by Priscilla
Time Zone Not Accurate
I have my time zone selected correctly and have to auto adjust for daylight savings time and time stamp on posting is still off 1 hour? Is this a bug?
uffbrosMay-01-18 11:06 PM
by KJT
Going to Va in May
HI every one, In my my husband and I are going up to Norfolk Va, to see our youngest son 's retirement ceremony from the US Navy. He has served 20 yea
DaylilydayzedMay-01-18 06:47 PM
by Daylilydayzed
I just received an email from Joe Winett about karenware. The online version is here: https://www.k ters/2018/2018-03-12
PcqandamanMar-14-18 05:53 AM
by nightlyreader
Unreal performance if you like drums com/watch?v=HW3QVLlK -kE& and if you like bagpipes mixed in: VmnMFMtA But
AcadiaFeb-09-18 09:47 PM
by Acadia
Call Me Skeptical
Call Me Skeptical so my brothers wife calls me early this morning & she says she was in her car listening to NPR & they were discussing VW dies
therubeFeb-07-18 08:36 AM
by wadewilson
What a beautiful story 017/12/17/world/amy- wright-2017-cnn-hero -of-the-year/index.h tml
peterbDec-26-17 02:41 PM
by jasonlevine
NiMH Battery Capacity
The batteries on my digital camera need recharging much too often. These are AA. I don't know whether it is the camera, the batteries or the charger.
daniellDec-21-17 02:57 PM
by Sid
Spending Christmas in Va.
We get out of school this Friday the 22nd for the Christmas break, so my husband and I are leaving that evening to drive up to spend Christmas in Va a
DaylilydayzedDec-20-17 04:29 PM
by Daylilydayzed
The End of Net neutrality
I am surprised that nobody brought this up. What will it actually mean?
daniellDec-20-17 03:12 PM
by Shelly
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