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Message IDTopicAuthorLast updated date Replies
Ultrasonic sounds?
Like those in pest repellent devices aren't dangerous are they?
CrunkOct-15-02 08:03 PM
by freespirit
Anything wrong with this picture of Bill Clinton?
}> }> OR is it the background?
scaramoucheOct-15-02 06:54 PM
by ukmitch
welcome wearywolf
welcome to the forums...
vitaltOct-15-02 05:28 PM
by vitalt
welcome ranger_cole
welcome to PCQandA...
vitaltOct-15-02 05:27 PM
by vitalt
I need appliance repair help..(dead dryer)
Are any of you appliance repair people? My friend has a Admiral dryer (220 elec.) that just up and died the other day. I have done a little online res
jxdesignOct-15-02 04:30 PM
by jxdesign
This is a little strange
Not sure if I should post this in the computer forum? It's probably more appropriate here seeing as it's not that important. :) OK here goes: If you
Carl DOct-15-02 02:09 PM
by Carl D
Shameless post of New Baby pic!
Our first son, Phillip, was born Oct 6! Couldn't resist posting this picture! He may possibly be the first born under the QandA forum header. In any c
A_ThorOct-15-02 10:33 AM
by 81 Newbee
What's your favorite past-time? (besides pc'ing).
Besides loving the computer, what else do you enjoy doing? I love golf and flying kites. And over here, where they invented the kite, wowwwy!! They
andrini2000Oct-15-02 09:56 AM
by doctormidnight
Trap Shoot Game
http://www.madville. com/go.php?op=goo&li dd=19532
fishstickOct-15-02 09:33 AM
by randybedore
Thanks for the memories, Ray
http://www.pcqanda.c om/dcforum/User_file s/3dab43813c6a347a.j pg American composer, arranger and band leader Ray Conniff has died at the age of 85.
McGeeOct-15-02 08:55 AM
by Yarddaawg
I'm a new member trying to get a handle on this forum. Been reading about uploading and am wondering whether I got my Avatar right.
labyrinthOct-15-02 05:39 AM
by freespirit
I'm here ....
Well we made it.....I'm here where are you? Russ[/
russe1Oct-15-02 04:36 AM
by russe1
New laptop, soooo close
I picked up a second-hand laptop yesterday - a Dell Latitude PIII 500 with docking station. As it came from a friend, I didn't bother turning it on as
smellystudentOct-15-02 04:29 AM
by Lackosleep
Welcome BigBopperII
welcome to PCQandA...enjoy it its a great place to be...:-)
vitaltOct-15-02 04:17 AM
by sophie tucker
vitaltOct-15-02 03:30 AM
by freespirit
Welcome bazzero
Sit and have a cool one......... Russ http:
russe1Oct-15-02 03:28 AM
by freespirit
Scot Finnie's link of the week
Anyone see Scot's link of the week? .htm#linkadaweek I heartily recommend that website. ;-)
jasonlevineOct-15-02 01:27 AM
by vitalt
Now I Can Post It
Got this today while installing Roxio ....I wondered why it was asking me....I didn't know....
LesOct-15-02 12:01 AM
by npmcl
Welcome hecimark
welcome to PCQand A...:-)
vitaltOct-14-02 08:45 PM
by sophie tucker
Does anyone have in their possession a full size early...
It has to have the square style tail lights. If you do could you go to it and turn on the 4way flashers and then step on the brake pedal. Do the fou
bugsOct-14-02 08:01 PM
by Delar
Mt Panorama Australias Premier Car Race
Well folks its on again the big race on the big track,Sunday morning start 1000 klms race (about 600 miles)52 cars. The wives of Australia rejoice whe
WoodsieOct-14-02 10:21 AM
by Paul D
Can't Post A .jpg
"You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/dcforum/ on this server" I was going to post a small .jpg and received this message when I tried to atta
LesOct-14-02 08:42 AM
by Les
Wisconsin Multi-Car Crash
Horrible as this is, have you ever driven, carefully, in fog or other bad weather conditions, only to have the bulk of traffic flying by you as though
freespiritOct-14-02 07:10 AM
by JP
world series
GO ANGELS.............. ...... 13 to 5 bottom 8th. Russ[ /marq
russe1Oct-14-02 04:54 AM
by russe1
FTP Site Search With Google
How do I use Google to search for FTP sites?
johnrsellersOct-14-02 12:54 AM
by MrMan
the little things
Things you probably didnt know about me. 1.)Dreadful fear of heights 2.)Even though I canoe I have a fear of the ocean. 3.)I have a fear of barfing(I
billys24Oct-13-02 09:58 PM
by Ropera
The big picture post
Does the old picture post (not the collage) still exist anywhere? Call me dumb, but I didn't save my own picture, and someone is asking for it. Help??
doctormidnightOct-13-02 06:51 PM
by waldo
Microsoft's Software Snoops /news/820718.asp?cp1 =1 I think Anne Keil's job would have to be one of the most dangerous on the planet. Heaven help her if she h
Carl DOct-13-02 05:11 PM
by Carl D
The page cannot be displayed...
This one makes me wonder: http://www. thispagecannotbedisp Exactly what is the purpose of a web page like this? (I know - it's the Internet
Carl DOct-13-02 01:24 PM
by golouis
Whatever Happened To:
Where is CoolKid these days. and Zack and some of the other Whiz kids who use to hang out?? They make most of us look pretty stupid, or at least me.
Backward BobOct-13-02 11:37 AM
by Grogan
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