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Topic subjectI'm invaded with hackers!!!
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1665, I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by guest, Sun Dec-16-01 06:08 AM
ZA blocked 41 and counting IP's on port 1214 in about 6 minutes!!!! I've been connected for 8! The IP addies seem to be diffrent though but I will check them all to investigate. This is nuts. Oh my 50th now

The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port 1214) from (TCP Port 1134) .

Time: 12/15/01 9:04:34 PM

They are mostly all in this format. Which port is mine, the second one or the first one? And what does TCP flags meen. I never really paied attention to these specs but in a situation like this I think it's good to know. I'm I sure I din't hack Bin Laden's computer before this:). Oh, I just got my 54th. It slowed down a bit. Oh 55th.
What's with this? It's crazy. Is it hackers? (more then one)

1666, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by KJT, Sun Dec-16-01 06:14 AM
Let me make up a term: Attempters. They're only attempters, not hackers until they get into your computer. ZoneAlarm has protected you whether it's 50 or 50K attempts. Therefore they are only attempters. The source doesn't matter. You're protected.

Clear the alerts and forget about them.

1667, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by BobGuy, Sun Dec-16-01 06:18 AM
TCP Port 1214 is what Morpheus uses.

Your using Morpheus again huh :)

Disclaimer: No Micro$oft products were used in the creation of this reply.
1668, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by guest, Sun Dec-16-01 06:24 AM
I have it but it's not on! I pinged the IP's for fun since there was a few that I seen a few times trying and They are mostly part of my Isp (sympatico) but worldwide, not local. I'll start keeping track but like was saied by Jim, they are only attempters. Trying isin't getting! If I would fight back, this would cause World War 3, over a tcp/ip network! At least no one would get hurt physicaly:). But with everything going on, I think WW3 is already declared.:+
1669, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by Grogan, Sun Dec-16-01 06:32 AM
Ryan, it's possible that your host IP was still in search databases for a while after exiting the Morpheus program or something like that. Someone may have been searching for something that was in your shared directory. Also possible that the person who had your IP address last in the dial up pool, was just using Morpheus before you dialed the Internet.

You're not being invaded by hackers or anyone else.
1670, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by guest, Sun Dec-16-01 06:52 AM
that makes sense. But why did it happen just now? I din't use Morpheus or any P2P app in a while. While I was surfing the net I was rendering a 800*600 sceene with AutoCAD but can't see how that would do anything! But now that I disconnected to go for a #2 (yes, had to go into details:)) I'm not getting anymore blocks now. It's good to have ZA sometimes! I'd be scarred to run without a firewall on a dsl connection. And I noticed that it could not of been hackers since I din't see anything in my ftp server log or my http server connections, which was 0 visitors and still is. So I'm safe, well even if it was hackers.

1671, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by BobMcG, Sun Dec-16-01 08:33 AM
"I disconnected to go for a #2"
Does that mean you were taking an Osama?

1672, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by guest, Sun Dec-16-01 09:32 PM
Yep. It's a time like that when I need a picture of him on my toillet paper:). They do sell it too! Who ever heard of orderring toilet paper off the net?!

1673, RE: I'm invaded with hackers!!!
Posted by JP, Sun Dec-16-01 07:46 AM
I got hit like that the other night. 143 attempts in about 3 minutes, all from the same source. I didn't worry about it since those attempts didn't get through. It could have been from anything, but most likely not malicious.

Don't sweat it.