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Topic subjectComputer still freezing
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237532, Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 12:39 PM
Computer was freezing, added a 500W power supply. Eliminated all programs except Outpost firewall and AVG. It ran fine for a day and then it went cold again and froze up. GetRight 501 loads when the Internet connects. I have also tried it without GetRight and guess what, it still freezes.

I ran the Hardware monitors, as suggested in a previous post, and everything was within normal parameters. I ran the memory test from another link in the forum (simmtester?) for 4 hours and 7 loops and no failures occurred.

I have unistalled all the original Verizon DSL software, cleaned the registry and am just using Windows XP's built in connection software to access the internet. It still freezes.

I uninstalled all software from startup but the Outpost and AVG. I have eliminated many programs from the add/remove software control panel (thought there might be a conflict somewhere).

Also, the time is still one hour ahead and I can't get it to stay correct. Went to the BIOS and changed it there and have used the sync program in Windows (and not used it too) but it is still one hour ahead (after every reboot). Shelly suggested moving East one hour but the Atlantic Ocean is too deep...LOL

Could the CMOS battery be causing the problems? Any other suggestions?


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237545, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Darren, Wed Jul-16-03 01:48 PM
Take out one stick of RAM. If it still freezes, take that stick out and try the other stick. It sounds like they may be incompatible.
237557, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 02:32 PM
That is my next step. Just wonder why it waited a whole year to become incompatible. The freezing really started after I got the Verizon DSL. I think the NIC is causing it or their Westall dual modem. I can change from ethernet to USB. When using USB connection is limited to 10Mbps vs. 100 (of course you only see 70-80 Kbps).


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237566, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Ttech, Wed Jul-16-03 03:23 PM
If you suspect the NIC, why don't you get a different one? Usually you can get them for under $10.

Do you have any reason to suspect the Westell DSL modem? Do you ever have to turn it off and back on to get the connection to work?
237574, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 04:01 PM
I have a second NIC but it is only 10mbps NIC (older one). It didn't lock up with that (at least I don't believe it did) but I didn't get a lot of lock ups when I used the USB connection too. I have the feeling that when using the ethernet and Westall modem I am getting some type of conflict.

I just hate getting a new piece of equipment and find out that it still freezes (like I just got the power supply). Tight budget right now with vacation coming up (got to have that green spending money for vacation).


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237575, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Wed Jul-16-03 04:11 PM
>I have a second NIC but it is only 10mbps NIC (older one).
>It didn't lock up with that (at least I don't believe it did)
>but I didn't get a lot of lock ups when I used the USB
>connection too. I have the feeling that when using the
>ethernet and Westall modem I am getting some type of
>I just hate getting a new piece of equipment and find out
>that it still freezes (like I just got the power supply).
>Tight budget right now with vacation coming up (got to have
>that green spending money for vacation).
>850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW,
>Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,

So it looks like it ran fine when the NIC was removed?. As I mentioned before...NIC Cards and Sound cards should not share IRQ's . Nothing but trouble. Especially with older, non-ACPI compliant hardware like you have.

Switch to " Standard PC ", make sure the NIC card, Video card, and Sound card have their own separate IRQ's ... and hopefully your troubles will be over.
237586, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 04:56 PM
So it looks like it ran fine when the NIC was removed?. As I mentioned before...NIC Cards and Sound cards should not share IRQ's . Nothing but trouble. Especially with older, non-ACPI compliant hardware like you have.

Switch to " Standard PC ", make sure the NIC card, Video card, and Sound card have their own separate IRQ's ... and hopefully your troubles will be over.

The current NIC is a RealTek 10/100 and at this point, I think you are right about the IRQ being the problem. I will try the Standard PC and see what happens.


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237567, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Wed Jul-16-03 03:44 PM
>That is my next step. Just wonder why it waited a whole year
>to become incompatible. The freezing really started after I
>got the Verizon DSL. I think the NIC is causing it or their
>Westall dual modem. I can change from ethernet to USB. When
>using USB connection is limited to 10Mbps vs. 100 (of course
>you only see 70-80 Kbps).
>850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW,
>Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,

You really should stay with the original thread and not start another. Hard for new viewers to track what you've done.

Try the RAM one stick at a time as mentioned and if that doesn't help, change the Computer type to " Standard PC " as mentioned before to get your NIC, Sound Card and Video card on separate IRQ's.

You never really did answer my query as to whether your computer " Ever locked up with the NIC card removed " Original thread reply #11. You just mentioned that it ran for some time....that doesn't help us much.

BTW, what temps and voltages does the Hardware Monitor show? " Normal " doesn't give us much info. Just double checking. Probably OK as you state, but an 850 Duron should run pretty darned cool. Please post your Idle temps, and Full load temps. Ambient temp in room also please.

My money's still on the IRQ sharing issue BTW.
237584, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 04:49 PM
I won't be able to post the temps/voltages/etc until tomorrow (maybe late tonight). Yes it locked up with NIC disabled but only once. It was still connected to modem but disabled and I could see the ethernet light on the modem flash on occasion. should I have pulled the card out completely?

And sorry for starting a second thread.


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237587, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Wed Jul-16-03 05:00 PM
>I won't be able to post the temps/voltages/etc until tomorrow
>(maybe late tonight). Yes it locked up with NIC disabled but
>only once. It was still connected to modem but disabled and I
>could see the ethernet light on the modem flash on occasion.
>should I have pulled the card out completely?
>And sorry for starting a second thread.
>850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW,
>Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,

That's OK ....try things one at a time and right the results down. IMHO here is the order I would try;

1) Switch Computer type to "Standard PC" . Make sure Video card Sound Card and NIC have their own separate and Unique IRQ's. Juggle PCI slots as needed. IRQ's can also be manipulated in BIOS with some MB's. What is your MB BTW?

2) If you still get lock ups, try the old 10mbps NIC card. Note what IRQ it uses.

3) If still getting lockups...try memory one stick at a time if you haven't already done this. Long shot....your lockups seem to be related to Internet browsing.

4) Still locking up? C4!!!

Edit: We're posting at same time... LOL
237595, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 05:23 PM
MB is Elite Group K7VZA.

I will try this suggestion first.


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237793, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Thu Jul-17-03 12:46 PM
1) Switch Computer type to "Standard PC" . Make sure Video card Sound Card and NIC have their own separate and Unique IRQ's. Juggle PCI slots as needed. IRQ's can also be manipulated in BIOS with some MB's. What is your MB BTW?

Switched to Standard PC. Got sound card to go to IRQ10 but video and NIC still on IRQ 11.

Can't get them reassigned. I spent the morning searching how to change IRQs and am seriously thinking the C4 idea might be best. Who has a simplified "easy", in English, way of changing the IRQs?

4) Still locking up? C4!!!


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237804, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Darren, Thu Jul-17-03 01:39 PM
If I'm not mistaken, every other PCI slot shares an IRQ. Thus, 1 & 3 share, 2 & 4 share, etc. Install your cards accordingly. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I have that same board (K7VZA), and it runs great. Mine is a 1.x and there is also a 3.x version (which is black). Make sure you have the latest BIOS.
237813, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Thu Jul-17-03 02:03 PM
The Video, which is in AGP slot, and NIC, slot 5, still have IRQ 11. Which slot would I need to put the NIC in so that it is not shared with video card?


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237819, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Darren, Thu Jul-17-03 02:54 PM
I have my NIC in the second from the bottom PCI slot.

Here is the way my IRQ's are listed...

237844, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Thu Jul-17-03 04:56 PM
That's where I did have it and it was suggested that I use slot 5. Different strokes for different folks...(haven't heard that in a long while...LOL)


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
237930, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Thu Jul-17-03 11:26 PM

I finally got IRQs different. Sound is now IRQ5, Display is IRQ10 and NIC is IRQ11. I disabled Com1, Com2 and LPT1 (use USB printer). Moved card back to slot 3 and so far so good.

I will let you all know if it locks up.

Now, if I can only get that time fixed...LOL

Thanks to everyone for the help so far, let's keep our fingers crossed.

Thanks again,

ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
237578, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Mark099, Wed Jul-16-03 04:21 PM
Start over again from scratch.

1) Install XP
2) Install SP1 (if needed)
3) Install latest motherboard chipset drivers
4) Install latest video/sound drivers
5) Connect your LAN device and install latest drivers

** Connect to the internet and surf surf surf -- basically do not install any other software for at least 24 hours or until your computer freezes. If it freezes, then you have a hardware problem, but my guess is that it is software related. Then install the software one program at a time (saving your firewall for LAST) and running again for 24 hours.

By making only one change per 24 hour period you hopefully will isolate the cause of your problem. Be sure to create restore points as you go along.
237583, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Wed Jul-16-03 04:47 PM
>Start over again from scratch.
>1) Install XP
>2) Install SP1 (if needed)
>3) Install latest motherboard chipset drivers
>4) Install latest video/sound drivers
>5) Connect your LAN device and install latest drivers
>** Connect to the internet and surf surf surf -- basically do
>not install any other software for at least 24 hours or until
>your computer freezes. If it freezes, then you have a hardware
>problem, but my guess is that it is software related. Then
>install the software one program at a time (saving your
>firewall for LAST) and running again for 24 hours.
>By making only one change per 24 hour period you hopefully
>will isolate the cause of your problem. Be sure to create
>restore points as you go along.

Sorry to disagree Mark...but I am still convinced that he has a hardware problem caused by IRQ sharing or a bad NIC card. No need to do a complete re-install as suggested. And I don't think that a re-install would solve his problem. IMHO of course.

He has an S3 Savage Video card, a generic SB knockoff and the NIC card all on IRQ 11. the video card and the sound card are probably not ACPI fact I know the 3 Savage is not. It is a well known issue that the SB Live series should not share IRQ's with a NIC card...never mind a generic knockoff.

My opinion is that he should get his video card, sound card and NIC on separate IRQ's first...before doing anything else.

My proof is in the fact that he tried an older NIC card and believes that he had no lockups. Now that points that either the original NIC card was bad or causing an IRQ conflict with the sound and\or video card.

Would be interesting to know if, when Psal2 installed the older NIC card, did the IRQ for the older card change?

237588, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Mark099, Wed Jul-16-03 05:05 PM
On a limited budget, the only thing he has that's free is time. IRQ sharing issues rarely manifest themselves after a long period of flawless operation (unless of course, a new piece of software is added). I put together a computer a few months ago, and all devices got dumped onto IRQ 9. To date, there are no issues.

I am thinking it's either the firewall, USB NIC, Verizon's software or a combination of 2 or more. There should be a way to connect withOUT using Verizon's software and that option should be explored.

This is not to say that it isn't a hardware problem, but that could become costly to check out so the best way is to deal with what you have first.
238020, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by suatcini, Fri Jul-18-03 08:38 AM
WinXP, if installed in ACPI-compliant configuration, assigns IRQ 9 to almost all the hardware ( e.g. graphics card, sound card, etc. )in a system. And this does not pose a problem at all. This is good because you can have many more hardware in a given system than can even be imaginable in a Win9x system.

If you want to manually assign different IRQs to different hardware in a system, then you must re-install WinXP in Standard-PC configuration and the hardware must be able to accept the assigned IRQ.

238042, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Fri Jul-18-03 11:49 AM
Well, I didn't reinstall windows, but I did change the driver to Standard PC. I moved the modem and all the items that were on IRQ11 are now on different IRQs. It took awhile but it did take. However, the PC won't just shutdown now. I saw a fix for that somewhere...

However, after two hours, it froze again. This time, I pulled two memory sticks (now only have 256mg) and I will run it for awhile then add a stick and see if it locks up. If not add next stick and so on and so on.

If it continues to lock up, the C4 will become a reality and not just a letter/number combination.

It may also be time to upgrade Mobo, video card and sound cards. I was hoping to hold off till after Christmas to do that but you never know.

my signature is around here somewhere
238101, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by suatcini, Fri Jul-18-03 03:46 PM
Microsoft insist that you have to re-install WinXP over itself in order to change from ACPI system to Standard PC. Just make a search for this thru the MS Searcable Knowledge Base Articles and see for yourself.

If you have managed to survive without re-installing, congratulations.

Best regards
238143, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Fri Jul-18-03 06:00 PM
Don't know how but it did work. Shows even a blind squirrel can find an acorn once in awhile...


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
238209, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by therube, Fri Jul-18-03 11:30 PM
"the PC won't just shutdown now. I saw a fix for that somewhere..."

XP "Standard PC" Shutdown fix.
238248, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Sat Jul-19-03 02:40 AM
That's the one,


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
237585, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 04:52 PM
by re-installing, won't I have to re-activate with Microsoft. They could think that I am putting it in a new machine, wouldn't they?


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
237590, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Mark099, Wed Jul-16-03 05:10 PM
>by re-installing, won't I have to re-activate with Microsoft.
> They could think that I am putting it in a new machine,
>wouldn't they?
>850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW,
>Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro

No, don't forget these things...

1) activation is not required for 30 days so you can test test test and get everything running before
2) (hopefully) there would be no hardware changes so you should be able to reactivate using the same info...

237596, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-16-03 05:26 PM
I am already activated with Microsoft and I think I would have to reactivate. (for a fee?)

Also, the NIC card was added about 1-2 months ago when I got the DSL and problems started happening shortly thereafter.


850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro,
238249, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by suatcini, Sat Jul-19-03 02:49 AM
If you do not reformat HDD and then re-install WinXP, you do not have to reactivate. Below is how you can avoid activation for a system already activated:

There is a file in \Windows\System32 directory called Wpa.dbl (and maybe there can be another one called Wpa.bak). Just copy the file(s) to a safe place and after reinstalling, boot to minimal safe mode and copy the file(s) back to \windows\System32 directory and restart Windows. There is a MSKB article on this.

Best Regards
238252, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Sat Jul-19-03 03:16 AM
I may have to do this. Tried the shutdown fix but my PC must be stupid like its owner. Won't shutdown. I wonder if I need to change any of the BIOS settings now?


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
238326, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Sat Jul-19-03 04:33 PM
>I may have to do this. Tried the shutdown fix but my PC must
>be stupid like its owner. Won't shutdown. I wonder if I
>need to change any of the BIOS settings now?
>ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80
>gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and
>XP Pro

Follow the directions in the " Wndows XP Standard Shutdown Fix " Exactly . It is critical that the Microsoft ACPI Device is disabled before install the NT APM\Legacy Support. You must then reboot and confirm that the Microsoft ACPI Device is disbaled and that the service is stopped. Then, and only then can you install the NT APM\Legacy Device. If you disable the Microsoft ACPI Device after installation of the NT APM\Legacy Device you will get a Yellow excalmation mark beside the NT APM\Legacy Device that cannot be removed no matter what you do.

If you did install the NT DEVICE before proper disbling\removal of the MS ACPI Device, then you will have to uninstall the NT APM\Legacy Device and start from square one.

Disappointing that the separate IRQ's didn't solve the problem. But you seem to be making staedy progress. Your lockups seem to be getting farther and farther apart. One last suggestion. Try replacing the Real Tech NIC with the old 10mbps NIC. See if it still locks up. If that fails...uninstall the sound card and see if the Lockups continue.

What temps are you running please? CPU and Mainboard. What is you cooling fan setup and how big is the case? I think you may have had multiple issues with this setup and have eliminated some of the problems. The PS was a good move and the IRQ change as well. If it's now running for two hours before locking up that may point to an underlying temp issue.

XP is very good at dealing with software issues. If XP encounters a software issue it will give and error notice and either automatically shut the offending program down or give you the option of ending the program with Task Manager. XP will not, in my experiences, lock solid due to a software issue.

My moneys still on a hardware issue...but if all else fails then a clean install of XP may be in order.....or a new system.

PS One last thought...did you ever have any Pop Up killers or similiar programs installed. These can play havoc with IE 6.0. Did the lockup still occur when browsing or is it random?

238464, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Sun Jul-20-03 03:58 AM
Well, it looks like I completely followed the instructions and still it won't shut down. Says logging off, saving settings and then Windows is shutting down but it doesn't (just like 98 use to hang up).

No pop up killers with XP. Had them with w2k but not XP.

Temps (see attached, there is no CPU2 of which I am aware).


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
238468, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Sun Jul-20-03 05:39 AM
>Well, it looks like I completely followed the instructions
>and still it won't shut down. Says logging off, saving
>settings and then Windows is shutting down but it doesn't
>(just like 98 use to hang up).
>No pop up killers with XP. Had them with w2k but not XP.
>Temps (see attached, there is no CPU2 of which I am aware).
>ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80
>gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and
>XP Pro

Did you go to to Power Options and Enable the Advanced Power Management Support in the APM Tab? APM has to be enabled on your MB as well. BTW, it took me several attemps to get everything right but it finally did work.

Temps all look good. You can adjust the names of the sensors in the "Temperatures" tab of Hardware Monitor. CPU1 change to "CPU". CPU2 change to " Mainboard" and Main board change to " Chassis".

The CPU low power mode with Hardware Monitor really works good. It's very warm here today and my idle temps on my XP1800+ went from 46c to 36c just by enabling this option. 46c may seem a bit high...but I have a fan bus and very seldom do I ever turn the CPU fan more than 3400 to 3500rpm, except when I'm gaming. Just for comparison, I turned off the CPU Low Power mode and cranked my fans to max. CPU idle temp stablised at 42.8c with the CPU fan at 5500rpm. Usually much lower than this but very hot and muggy today.
238586, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Sun Jul-20-03 09:18 PM
Went to Power Options and the Advanced Power Management Support in the APM tab was already checked.

Well at least it is starting to behave. My daughter was on for over 3 hours today and I have been on for another 1/2 hour and no lock up.

I think when I went to the USB connection on the modem, it stopped freezing. I am getting another NIC tomorrow from a friend, a Netgear 10/100 NIC, I will put that in and see if it freezes.

Would the old 98 fix possibly work? I remember it was something to do with just changing a 0 to a 1 in one of the registries but I can't remember it. Guess it is time to do a search.


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
238638, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Mon Jul-21-03 01:04 AM
Do you get the message: "It is now safe to turn off your Computer"....or does the thing just hang on shutdown?

Glad to here that the Locking up problem is finally fixed. The shutdown problem should be fairly easy to resolve. Might be just some software refusing to shutdown.
238717, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Mon Jul-21-03 12:14 PM
It just says "windows is shutting down" and then hangs up. Should I go and delete all start up software and see what happens, then add them one at a time if it shuts down without them?

I am really thinking yet that either the NIC or the Westall Modem when using the ethernet was the problem but I have to admit that going to Standard PC and separate Interrupt Requests seemed to take care of some of the problem.
238876, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Tue Jul-22-03 03:59 AM
>It just says "windows is shutting down" and then hangs up.
>Should I go and delete all start up software and see what
>happens, then add them one at a time if it shuts down without

Just type in MSCONFIG in the run box and temporarily disable startup items one at a time. Something is causing a hang. Likely a third party program. Start with them. Messenger can also be a pain. Disable it in Services and remove from Startup Tab.

Lots of info at the MSKB on Shutdown problems as well.

XP hangs on shutdown

XP Shutdown Troubleshooting Resource Guides

239130, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-23-03 11:17 AM
Did the MSCONFIG, and eliminated one by one all the start ups, the ini's, etc. Got to the point that nothing was checked BUT it still wouldn't shut down.

Best of all, with all the moving around inside the PC, Windows said significant changes to hardware was made and I had to call to reactivate. What b*llsh*t. I only changed the NIC two times.

At least it hasn't hung up while surfing. So that seems to be resolved. But I will screw it up. I will be adding a DVD+-R soon and a new video card. The new video is the recommendation I got here. Just have to see what the budget can afford.


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
239148, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by labyrinth, Wed Jul-23-03 01:42 PM
When you have shut down and the system doesn't turn off can you move your mouse or hit a key on your keyboard and does the system come back up?
239151, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-23-03 01:52 PM
I didn't try that but I don't believe I can see the mouse. It is the blue Windows screen. Starts by Logging Off, then Saving Settings, the Windows is Shutting Down but then nothing. I will check tonight to see if a key starts it up again.


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
239268, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Wed Jul-23-03 11:58 PM
Mouse can move, pressed keys, nothing...just Windows is shutting down. I have ACPI in BIOS, should it be enabled or disabled?


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
239320, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by suatcini, Thu Jul-24-03 05:18 AM
There are two registry items, one is AutoEndTasks and the other, WaitToKillServiceTimeout.

Open up Regedit and make a search for AutoEndTasks. Make sure it has a value of 1. It is 0 by default.

Then make a search for WaitToKillServiceTimeout. Decrease its value from 20000 (default) to 5000.

Then see it it takes care for your shutdown problem.

239348, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Thu Jul-24-03 12:19 PM
>There are two registry items, one is AutoEndTasks and the
>other, WaitToKillServiceTimeout.
>Open up Regedit and make a search for AutoEndTasks. Make sure
>it has a value of 1. It is 0 by default.
>Then make a search for WaitToKillServiceTimeout. Decrease its
>value from 20000 (default) to 5000.
>Then see it it takes care for your shutdown problem.

Changed the AutoEndTasks from 0 to 1. Decrease the 20000 to 5000 in the WaitToKillServiceTimeout.

Still doesn't shut down. I noticed that WaitToKillAppsTimeout is 20000. Should this also be decreased to 5000.

I am ready to re-install Windows to put HAL back. If it wasn't for the fact that I only freeze once in awhile, I would move it from the standard pc back to HAL.

I also changed my video card to nVIDIA GeForce2 Ti Pro-T (MSI Video Adapter) and I changed the NIC to a Netgear FA311 10/100.

Of course Microsoft felt that I made too many changes and I had to re-activate (2nd time in 2 days)...that is ridiculous.


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
239397, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by suatcini, Thu Jul-24-03 05:44 PM
Yes, you can decrease it to 5000.

Did you try MS WinXP's own troubleshooter ?

Start-> Help and find a topic related to solving a problem.

Anyway, whether you solve this specific problem or not, in the end you will become a real Win XP expert. XP in Win XP means EXperience. But for you it will, from now on, mean EXpert

Kind Regards
239456, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Thu Jul-24-03 11:01 PM
And I thought it was for eXtra Painful...


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
239486, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Fri Jul-25-03 12:45 AM
>Mouse can move, pressed keys, nothing...just Windows is
>shutting down. I have ACPI in BIOS, should it be enabled or
>ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80
>gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and
>XP Pro

Boot into BIOS Setup and check the Folowing under " Power Management ".

1)ACPI in BIOS should be enabled. Otherwise APM functions will not work. Note ACPI in BIOS is independant of "Computer Type" chosen in Windows. It merely send info to the OS on what IRQ assignments are available and enables the OS to use Advanced Power Management features.

2) In your BIOS under Power Management Setup:

ACPI Suspend state should be set to S1(POS).

Power Management: Press Enter and Choose User Define , then Disable all Options.

PM Controlled by APM should be set to YES.

Video Off Option set to Suspend>>>Off

Video Off Method set to DPMS Support or V/H Sync+ Blank

Modem use IRQ set NA ( Let WindowsXP handle the IRQ assisgnment ).

Soft-Off by Powerbutton set to Instant Off

AC Resume Function set to Always Off

Wake Up Events. Leave these on Defaults.

Save all settings and Reboot.

3) Now go to Power Options in Device Manager.

Choose Power Schemes and select Home/Office Desk. Under settings the only thing enabled should be Turn Off Monitor after XX minutes. Everything else should be set to Never . This will set APM to the simplest shutdown mode and eliminates problems that can be caused by "Suspend " states.

Select the Hibernation Tab and make sure that Hibernation is " Turned Off " or unchecked.

You should have an APM Tab. Make sure that APM is Enabled. Note!!! If you do not have an APM tab then let us know at once. No APM Tab indicates a problem loading the NT/Legacy APM Support Option that was discussed many, many moons ago.

Keep plugging away. We'll get it yet.

BTW, as a last resort, switching back to full ACPI support in Computer Type can be done and should not require a re-activation. The re-activation was caused by the change in NIC cards. Up to six hardware devices are allowed to be changed at once without re-activation..... Except for NIC cards.... which for some strange reason can trigger a re-activation with only one other hardware change...IE: your video card and your NIC card. Well documented PITA!!

I'd definately leave this as an absolute last resort though. We've solved the original lockup problem....The shutdown problem should be relatively easy. Did you ever get the NT/Legacy APM Support Device installed correctly BTW?

PS: Did you check out the links to MSKB articles to shutdown problems that were posted? Particularily this article: Windows XP Stops Responding (Hangs) During Windows Shutdown

239764, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Sat Jul-26-03 02:09 AM
>>Mouse can move, pressed keys, nothing...just Windows is
>>shutting down. I have ACPI in BIOS, should it be enabled
>>ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb &
>>gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL
>>XP Pro
>Boot into BIOS Setup and check the Folowing under " Power
>Management ".
>1)ACPI in BIOS should be enabled. Otherwise APM functions
>will not work. Note ACPI in BIOS is independant of "Computer
>Type" chosen in Windows. It merely send info to the OS on what
>IRQ assignments are available and enables the OS to use
>Advanced Power Management features. Yes, this is what is there.
>2) In your BIOS under Power Management Setup:
>ACPI Suspend state should be set to S1(POS). Yes, this is what is there.
>Power Management: Press Enter and Choose User Define
, then Disable all Options. Yes, this is what is there.
>PM Controlled by APM should be set to YES. Yes, this is what is there.
>Video Off Option set to Suspend>>>Off Yes, this is what is there.
>Video Off Method set to DPMS Support or V/H Sync+
Yes, this is what is there, DPMS Support.
>Modem use IRQ set NA ( Let WindowsXP handle the IRQ
>assisgnment ).Yes, this is what is there.
>Soft-Off by Powerbutton set to Instant Off Yes, this is what is there.
>AC Resume Function set to Always Off Yes, this is what is there.
>Wake Up Events. Leave these on Defaults. Yes, this is what is there.
>Save all settings and Reboot.
>3) Now go to Power Options in Device Manager.
>Choose Power Schemes and select Home/Office Desk. Under
>settings the only thing enabled should be Turn Off Monitor
>after XX minutes. Everything else should be set to Never
. This will set APM to the simplest shutdown mode and
>eliminates problems that can be caused by "Suspend " states.Yes, this is what is there.
>Select the Hibernation Tab and make sure that Hibernation is
>" Turned Off " or unchecked.Yes, this is what is there now, was checked.
>You should have an APM Tab. Make sure that APM is Enabled.
>Note!!! If you do not have an APM tab then let us know at
>once. No APM Tab indicates a problem loading the NT/Legacy APM
>Support Option that was discussed many, many moons ago.Yes, this is what is there, APM Tab okay.
>Keep plugging away. We'll get it yet. Still not shutting where can I get that C4 you mentioned...
>BTW, as a last resort, switching back to full ACPI support in
>Computer Type can be done and should not require a
>re-activation. The re-activation was caused by the change in
>NIC cards. Up to six hardware devices are allowed to be
>changed at once without re-activation..... Except for
>NIC cards.... which for some strange reason can trigger a
>re-activation with only one other hardware change...IE: your
>video card and your NIC card. Well documented PITA!!
>I'd definately leave this as an absolute last resort though.
>We've solved the original lockup problem....The shutdown
>problem should be relatively easy. Did you ever get the
>NT/Legacy APM Support Device installed correctly BTW?
>PS: Did you check out the links to MSKB articles to shutdown
>problems that were posted? Particularily this article:
>XP Stops Responding (Hangs) During Windows Shutdown>went through a lot of them, will go through some more


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
239875, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by Chickenman, Sat Jul-26-03 02:43 PM
Might be time to start a new thread dealing with only the shutdown issue. Some of the regulars, such as Shelly can probably pinpoint what's wrong. Probably a registry error or a missing file.

I'm almost out of ideas....but not quite. Do you have the file: " Shutdown.exe " in your C:\Windows\system32 folder? If not you need to extract a new one from your WinXP CD.

Try downloading a couple of shutdown programs to see if they can force a shutdown. Here's a couple that I use.

Smart Shutdown


It's likely something very simple....but finding the problem is the tricky part. If XP won't shut down after running these programs I'm at a loss.:-(
240001, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Sun Jul-27-03 02:26 AM
Well thanks for the links. The shutdown.exe is in the system32 folder. I will try the links and if that doesn't work, then maybe a new thread as you suggest and then the C4.


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
240005, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Sun Jul-27-03 02:43 AM
The programs from the links didn't work either. BRING ON THE C4...

A new link will be started...


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
237823, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by jujet84, Thu Jul-17-03 03:13 PM
Do you have a NVidia card installed
237843, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by psal2, Thu Jul-17-03 04:55 PM
I don't. It is a S3 Savage4 video card. The sound card is a SB knockoff called Thunder 5.1 and the NIC is a Realtek 10/100.


ELite Group K7VZA mobo, 850mhz Duron, 768 mg RAM, 30gb & 80 gb HDs, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Outpost Pro Firewall, Verizon DSL and XP Pro
237846, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by jujet84, Thu Jul-17-03 05:11 PM
chk this site out for help
whoops wrong site damn let me find it
I had this item stored, see if this helps

Not long after getting my last computer I had freeze-up problems. A Gateway rep. told me that Windows XP does not always handle hibernation very well, and also that the computer does not have to go into hibernation before the freeze-up occurs. I made the recommended changes and have not had a single problem since.

Go to Control Panel / Power Options and set "Turn off hard disks" to Never. Also set "System Standby" to Never. Don't forget to click "Apply." Then go to the hibernation tab and un-check the hibernation option. Click "Apply." Reboot.
237983, RE: Computer still freezing
Posted by therube, Fri Jul-18-03 02:35 AM
You have the older NIC. Replace your 10/100 with the 10. It's not going to affect your Internet connect speed at all. (LAN would be different.)

BTW, I have modem, video card, pci to usb host controller, audio, and lan all on IRQ 11 with no problems.