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Topic subjectWhat's the matter with AVG??
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289041, What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by yaro, Wed Mar-24-04 06:46 PM
My AVG (Progr. Ver. 6.0.614 Virus Dbase 393) has not updated via Internet from server "" since February. I manually downloaded a few updates but that's a real bother.
What's the matter with their server? I even downloaded the latest version of AVG, same problem.
Any help much appreciated

289043, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Jordan, Wed Mar-24-04 06:55 PM
289046, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by ArleneB61401, Wed Mar-24-04 07:07 PM
Hi Yaro
If you have dial-up service you have to be careful not to log off the net before an update is downloaded.

If you right click on your AVG Icon in your service tray, and click on Run AVG Control Center and then click on the Update Manager Tab, you can then choose when you want the AVG to update.
289049, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Darren, Wed Mar-24-04 07:33 PM
Download the attached file. Extract the url.ini and replace the one in C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG6\ with the new one. It will give you more server locations to update from. You will have to Shut down AVG Control Center (in the tray), and then restart it (avgcc32.exe) for them to show up. is the fastest.

289374, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Dropshot, Fri Mar-26-04 01:20 AM
Hey, thanks for the file Darren. That was pretty neat and speaking of neat, I took a gander at your links page. I think it is beautifully simplistic in its layout and very unique - nice work !!
289386, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Darren, Fri Mar-26-04 01:55 AM
You're welcome...and thanks for the compliment.

>Hey, thanks for the file Darren. That was pretty neat and
>speaking of neat, I took a gander at your links page. I think
>it is beautifully simplistic in its layout and very unique -
>nice work !!
289587, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Hugo, Fri Mar-26-04 09:09 PM
Thanks Darren for the good info. on how to setup AVG update program. Really works well now.
289640, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by JP, Sat Mar-27-04 12:24 AM
A big THANK YOU to you, Darren. That solved the problem. I changed to another server in the list and got the updates. :D
289057, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Paul D, Wed Mar-24-04 08:45 PM
They're busy. They're releasing frequent updates, and have you ever stopped to think how many people may be using the product? What do you want for free?

And what's the perceived problem with manual update? It takes about 30 seconds from go to whoa on cable and not much longer on dialup.

Paul D
289061, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Meehowski, Wed Mar-24-04 08:59 PM
>They're busy. They're releasing
>frequent updates, and have you ever stopped to think how many
>people may be using the product? What do you want for free?
>And what's the perceived problem with manual update? It takes
>about 30 seconds from go to whoa on cable and not much longer
>on dialup.




I've tried ALL day to update 7.0!!!!!!!

Still no luck..............
289063, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Paul D, Wed Mar-24-04 09:18 PM
Using manual update? Because I have never been unsuccessful with manual update for v6.

Paul D
289066, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Horatio, Wed Mar-24-04 09:47 PM

thanks for that zip file...much better....:7
289091, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Darren, Wed Mar-24-04 11:34 PM
You're welcome, Michael.

Why do you always have to be so sarcastic?
Yaro was simply asking a question. Any program, free or not, should work like it's supposed to. The free update servers are always ridiculously slow, and you know it.
You could have helped him, instead of spewing you mouth off about nothing. And don't PM or email me...OK?
There is no need to reply, cause I have said all I need to say about it.

>thanks for that zip file...much better....:7
289108, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Paul D, Thu Mar-25-04 12:47 AM
Well, I'll reply anyway.

It really pisses me off when people are getting something as good as AVG for free and get all uppity when they have relatively minor problems with it. Sure the servers are slow when the site is busy, but manual update is a quick and painless option, and I have never ever had it fail to deliver for me first time.

And it's not a problem with the software, as your post claims - it's a simple hardware problem.

And why do you think I'd want to email or PM you? Don't flatter yourself.

I thought the initial post was antagonistically worded. If I hadn't thought that I wouldn't have reponded in kind.

Paul D
289119, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Darren, Thu Mar-25-04 01:20 AM

>And why do you think I'd want to email or PM you? Don't
>flatter yourself.

Because you did the last time I got on your ass for not showing respect in this forum. Do you want me to post a screenshot?
I don't know what your problem is, but there are enough smart-asses in this world without you having to contribute to the population.
289132, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Paul D, Thu Mar-25-04 01:47 AM
Feel free.

As I recall I was simply pointing out to you your biased point of view regarding a disagreement between me and another poster who was making a habit of showing me none of the respect you claim to value so highly, and that I chose not to continue an unpleasantness initiated by you in public.

But I'm not paranoid enough to keep that sort of stuff in case it might come in handy later for further attacks. So post away if it will make you feel better.

Paul D
289134, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Darren, Thu Mar-25-04 02:05 AM
Paranoid? Who are you calling paranoid? You are the one that suffers paranoia. Remember when you were whining about someone attacking you (in the off-topic forum to refresh your memory). Well, I wasn't one of them begging you to stay. You probably deserved everything that came to you. You may intimidate some people, Paul...but you do not intimidate me. So go climb up on your kangaroo, and ride it back to the Worldstart forum.
I'm not arguing with you any more, so there will not be another post in this thread from me.
289317, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Grogan, Thu Mar-25-04 10:05 PM
Well, free or not, antivirus software that can't be updated when it's needed is 100% useless. No, I can't manually get anything from their download servers right now either. I can't complain because it's free, but this affects paid versions as well. It's the same servers (I know about the urls.ini file). This is why I have never, and will never recommend that anyone purchase that software. It's great software with a nice small footprint and doesn't cause problems on people's systems and it's too bad about the updates (which aren't timely enough, even when the servers aren't overloaded)

I just had to uninstall AVG from someone's computer and put something else on because they said they can never get the updates (no they can't stay up until 2 am to do it, and they aren't savvy enough to do it manually). There's just no time for that horseshit.
289322, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by DavyWavy, Thu Mar-25-04 10:14 PM
How do you rate Avast, Grogan? Maybe an alternative to AVG?

289328, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Grogan, Thu Mar-25-04 10:23 PM
I've never tried Avast, but I hear it's very good. I should give that a try.

The other free one I've been installing is AntiVir. I've had good result with it, seeing it in action. I've used it to clean up many a virus infected PC. It's updated frequently and I don't often have problems updating it.
289331, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by DavyWavy, Thu Mar-25-04 10:25 PM
I think you might like Avast...I'm watching AVG very closely...if the
updates don't improve, I'll probably switch. (Last time I mentioned
Avast, Triplea beat me up quite a bit. Still haven't heard anything
from him...Mitch is trying to track him down.)

289325, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Paul D, Thu Mar-25-04 10:20 PM
Well, I guess that's one advantage to living down under, because even if I can't get through to AutoUpdate I have never missed out getting through to manual update.

Paul D
289333, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Paul D, Thu Mar-25-04 10:29 PM
"That Horseshit" takes me less than a minute if there's no reboot involved! That's download and install.

I'll accept that there are people who find the manual process too complicated, and what you say is valid when applied to them, but don't tell me "there's no time for that horseshit" because that's horseshit.

And speaking of the urls.ini hack - I have an ethical problem with that.

When it's all said and done, AVG is running a business and they have clearly made a business decision to give paying users preferential treatment by limiting users of their free version to one server, as is their right. Quite frankly I see no ethical difference between hacking free AVG to access other servers and downloading hacked or cracked software generally.

Paul D
289364, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Grogan, Fri Mar-26-04 12:37 AM
What part about "can't get the updates" don't you understand? Or are you just arguing because you like the sound of your own voice? I certainly do not have time to sit there and retry stalled connections and neither do my customers. It is worthless in that situation. Free doesn't matter. In fact I run my business and my life on free software (really free... not with strings attached or license restrictions) and if any part of it failed to meet my expectations I'd ditch it and use something that does.

The manual updates aren't going to work either if the servers are overloaded. They are coming from the very same directories on the very same servers. ( if you click the link on the website)

I don't particularly care what you find ethical, either. Nothing worse than some self righteous, argumentative hypocrite. If you are so concerned, then why are you still using the free version and downloading the updates manually? You're in fact using more bandwidth, because you have to download the full .bin files each time. You know that they are trying to phase out support for the free version 6, it's only a matter of time. So put your money where your mouth is, or at least stop admonishing others.
289373, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Paul D, Fri Mar-26-04 01:19 AM
And I keep telling you that I can only recount my own experience, and NEVER ONCE have I failed to get an immediate connection through manual update, even immediately after Auto Update has failed to make a connection.

And I'm not talking once or twice here. I'm not keeping score, but I'd guess at a dozen times in the last month.

Paul D
289339, RE: What's the matter with AVG??
Posted by Quinn, Thu Mar-25-04 10:54 PM
That about covers it... that's how a lot of users feel.
