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Topic subjectRE: XPpro how long has my system been running
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402419, RE: XPpro how long has my system been running
Posted by jaded, Sat Mar-04-06 07:16 PM
marti, I am running XP Pro SP2 NTFS. I tried Steve Yandl's suggestion (reply #1), and it works great (thanks, Steve!). However, for my own personal use, it is of limited value, because I shut down my computer every night, and/or any time I leave the house. Anyway, you might find this little program helpful, at least as far as your hard drives are concerned. It gives their power on time, start/stop count, power cycle count, and a whole bunch of other stuff to help keep track of your hard drives' usage and health -- each drive, from their initial installation. Free, from

(Name of the program is DiskCheckup.exe)
