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Topic subjectRE: Address bar gone AWOL
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524144, RE: Address bar gone AWOL
Posted by clover, Sun Sep-26-10 10:59 PM
Thanks JMC but it's not that simple. If you read some earlier posts, my IE has gone bunkers. I have no toolbar nor any options to restore it. I can only use IE if I click on a Favorite.

In fact, I've just noticed, even the Fav is gone now. I have only the top bar (which shows you the site I'm seeing but can't change anything there) and another bar, heaven knows what it's called but it has 3 options on it: Bing (not my choice of search engines anyway), Ninemsn (a local TV station) and Hotmail (which I don't use). Them's my only options to use IE for. I've installed Avant Browser which can handle anything I need IE for but of course that doesn't have the same setup of Tools\Internet Options etc.

I am coming closer and closer to reinstalling the beast, which would be a shame but at present it controls me not the other way around.