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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectPhoneline networking
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527, Phoneline networking
Posted by rosethmd, Fri Dec-14-01 01:48 AM
I have four computers presently hooked up with Intel Anypoint phoneline hubs and pci cards. One has gone bad, my question is do I have to stick with Intel Anypoint or would any phoneline network (such as d-link, netgear, linksys, etc.) device with 10Mpbs work. Will they work together and network off each other? Do I use the same software or can that be individual also according to which computer the device is on.
528, RE: Phoneline networking
Posted by winbob, Fri Dec-14-01 04:10 AM
I can't really address your question, BUT I do have 2 -10mb/s Anypoint hubs that I'd sell you real cheap. Now that I'm off ATT wireless I'm back to using a Router and NIC cards. If you're interested, Email me.

p.s. I've also got the original 1mb/s box that came with the ATT setup.
