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Topic subjectPC upgrades
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567196, PC upgrades
Posted by Cautiouswig, Tue Feb-22-22 06:35 PM
Hi. How much can I upgrade my PC on 30-50mbps? Or is this Even an issue? Ive struggled to play a game for some time and after upgrading my ram it helped but isn't enough...30fps at 1 of 0-10 graphics. Any insight would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
567197, RE: PC upgrades
Posted by Ttech, Wed Feb-23-22 12:01 AM
Welcome! As far as I know, mbps is only used to measure your internet speed, which probably is less important right now than the hardware specs of your computer. We really need more information about your processor model, the amount of RAM and your motherboard and/or video card model.
567198, RE: PC upgrades
Posted by Cautiouswig, Wed Feb-23-22 12:41 AM
Thank you for the reply, it's got a 6th Gen Intel i3 or i5 can't remember,Nvidia 1060,2-8gb 3200 ram,as for the mother board I can't remember off the top of my head, hyper something,I'm in camp rn
567199, RE: PC upgrades
Posted by Ttech, Thu Feb-24-22 09:42 PM
Please provide exact info about your processor, go to Control Panel - System to find the exact model.

Also tell us what game you are trying to play so we can look up the system requirements.
567200, RE: PC upgrades
Posted by Cautiouswig, Sat Feb-26-22 08:40 PM
I5 6400
Trying to play rust, at 2-3 out of 10 graphic settings, running 30 fps
567201, RE: PC upgrades
Posted by Ttech, Sun Feb-27-22 06:20 PM
Your processor seems to be a little below the minimum system requirements for Rust. Also, Rust seems to be very disk intensive. Do you have a conventional hard drive or a solid state drive? SSD is the way to go.
567202, RE: PC upgrades
Posted by Cautiouswig, Sun Feb-27-22 06:44 PM
Ok, operating system is on a 125 GB SSD, rust is on it too so there is only a few gigs of extra space on it
567203, RE: PC upgrades
Posted by Ttech, Tue Mar-01-22 12:29 PM
I think you need more free drive space.