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Topic subjectRE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread
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218407, RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread
Posted by ChrisP, Wed Apr-15-20 12:30 AM
Been a LONG, LONG time since I've been around here. Health issues out the wazoo, and now my wife is also battling cancer. We have been acting as caregivers to each other now for the last few years. People at the Cancer Center in Philly know us well, with both of us being patients now.

I am SO sorry to read about Shelly and to see that Grogan has gone. I have spent many an interesting hour in this forum, once upon a time. Back about nine years ago, I had the opportunity to participate again for a little while after about a seven year hiatus, and then things went downhhill again. Now, I'm on an uphill swing, and trying to make the best of it.

Jason -- look for a substantial donation in the next few days. I certainly want to give a little bit back here now that ai can again...